I always have to giggle when I make up the titles for my posts!
It just happens so that if I place the titles of my layouts together,
nine out of ten times a new title is born.
Yes, I have two layouts to show you today.
Both made with Harlee Quinnz Designs papers (from two different lines.)
Here’s the first:
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15 comments | tags: Challange, Challenge, Fairy Grove, Harlee Quinnz Designs, Layout, Lucky Stripe, Scents I remember, Scrap layout, Smokin, Sunday morning, T.A.A.F.O.M.F.T., the one ring | posted in Harlee Quinnz Designs, T.A.A.F.O.M.F.T.
The past few days, it was all about Harlee Quinnz Degins!
We worked so hard, the Design Team made a lot of layouts with those
fantastic paperlines (as did I, but more about that in a minute) and my
beloved and I helped their web mistress to put the shop and blog online.
The website itself will be updated too, but the shop is now online so
you can get those wonderful papers and stamps yourself… also, the
Harlee Quinnz Design Team blog is all set to go… some layouts are already
uploaded in the galleries and the posting will start soon.
Make sure you take a look, and come back for more every week!
In between, I found time to create this little harmonica album…
(There will be a tutorial about how to make this on the
Harlee Quinnz Designs blog in the next couple of weeks,
I’ll keep you posted on that…)
It’s made with
Harlee Quinnz
paper & stamps and
I wrapped one of
their fibers around
it to keep it closed.
The colours go
soooo well
with the paper,
don’t you think?
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14 comments | tags: Faeries, Fairies, Harlee Quinnz, Harlee Quinnz Designs, Harmonica album, Mini album, Stamps | posted in Harlee Quinnz Designs, Marit's blog
I find myself in a “pause mode” the last few days…
I’m not very inspired to create something and I am reflecting and thinking over the art I made up ’till now. What I like, what I don’t like (anymore) and which way I want my art to go… but it’s not that I did nothing at all…
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12 comments | tags: ATC, Blinkie, Blog header, Harlee Quinnz Designs | posted in Harlee Quinnz Designs, Marit's blog