Home versus home
Yesterday, we went to visit my parents in Zeeland.
They still live in the small village where I was born and raised.
It’s a 2 hour drive so we left home early. My heart always beats a little faster once we arrive in “Walcheren” (the region I lived) and I realise every time I do miss the places, the landscape and the language (dialect) a lot!
It’s kinda weird when I go there, feels like leaving “home” to “go home”… where do I belong?
Anyway, here’s
a photo so you
get an idea of the landscape.
The “mountains”
on the horizon are the dunes – behind that the beach and the waves.
The city from which this photo was taken is Middelburg. (The photographer stood on top of a high tower called “de lange Jan” – (“Long John”)
My birthvillage should be on the very right of this photo, or maybe just a little further to the right.