Today, I have a very good reason to smile… along with someone else…
Congratulations on your 70st birthday mom!!!!!!
Yep, you read it well. My mom is turning 70 years young today!
Go send her some love on her website!
(for non Dutchies: Click the button ‘Johanna’ in the top menu – find
‘Gastenboek’ (guestbook) in the menu – fill in the captcha numbers
to get in the guestbook and leave a message!)
Ofcourse I made her something.
Or better: two things, but I only show you the card.
She (and you) will have to wait some more for her present.
(Mam, als de post nog niet geweest is, wil je misschien nog even wachten
en niet meteen doorklikken?)
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21 comments | tags: Birthday, johanna kruit, Zetti | posted in Cards, Marit's blog, Photos, weekly art journal 2010
The weeks fly by when you’re busy… it’s Friday already!
Hey you guys!
I was very busy over the last 2 weeks with writing articles for CmF
and in between I am also working on lessons (and “extras”) for the new
online art journal workshop with Michelle… it’s hard NOT to tell
what we’ve been up to because we have soooo much fun!
I can tell you this much: it’s going to be ONE HECK OF A WORKSHOP!!!
If the participants have only half the fun Michelle and I have
while working on it, it will be a blast!
For more info and registration for “Mixed Emotions” look here.
With my guest blogpost at Yvonne’s blog last Tuesday (BTW you still have
two weeks to participate in my little challenge – click the link for the info)
I haven’t had the opportunity to show you my weekly art journal from
the week before. And I even managed to get another layout done last weekend!
Here they come…
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23 comments | tags: heksenmeisje, johanna kruit, mermaid, workshop | posted in A Year in the Life of an Art Journal, Marit's blog, weekly art journal 2010