Thanks for the nice compliments on my “symbolic rings” layout (see
former post) And thanks Lena, for pointing this out to me:
“Oops… I just caught you telling a little lie…
Your mom did take off one of her rings.
The one she bought after chapter one.
She gave that one away to the winner of a little witch contest.
Guess who that winner was…
Yep, my dd Carmen and she still wears that ring!!
(send you a pic later!)”
Lena is right, my mom DID take one ring off…
I found the old pictures of the book presentation (October 2006)
so here is another “little witch story” for you!
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12 comments | tags: book, Lenny, Ring, story, Witch | posted in Marit's blog, Photos, weekly art journal 2010
I’m hooked!
I’m hooked on art journaling and ever since Glenda mentioned the online
store “VivaLasVegaStamps” I’m hooked on that too!
Look what came in the mail this week…

After I ordered these stamps, they arrived within a week!
All the way from Vegas! Now THAT’S some service! Wohwee!!!
It’s that I’m on a budget, otherwise I’d buy more, and more, and more of these
beauty’s! I spend quite some time on their site, drooling over all the gorgeous
stamps, giggling over some text-stamps (“Elvis is dead and I’m not feeling
too good myself”) and narrowing down my “first choice” in stamps to a
reasonable amount (my first choice would have cost me $180)
I’m totally in love with the “running lady” (the big stamp on the left) and she
reminds me of my friend Lenny!!! Aaaah, dear Lenny (bonjour ma belle!)
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23 comments | tags: ATC, ATC the music, Lenny, Mini album, minibook, Stamps | posted in ATC's, Marit's blog