Sep 14 2010

The ring my mom took off…

Thanks for the nice compliments on my “symbolic rings” layout (see
former post
) And thanks Lena, for pointing this out to me:

“Oops… I just caught you telling a little lie…
Your mom did take off one of her rings.
The one she bought after chapter one.
She gave that one away to the winner of a little witch contest.
Guess who that winner was…
Yep, my dd Carmen and she still wears that ring!!
(send you a pic later!)”

Lena is right, my mom DID take one ring off…
I found the old pictures of the book presentation (October 2006)
so here is another “little witch story” for you!


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Feb 12 2010

Freewheelin’ Friday (#9)

I’m hooked!
I’m hooked on art journaling and ever since Glenda mentioned the online
store “VivaLasVegaStamps” I’m hooked on that too!
Look what came in the mail this week…

After I ordered these stamps, they arrived within a week!
All the way from Vegas! Now THAT’S some service! Wohwee!!!

It’s that I’m on a budget, otherwise I’d buy more, and more, and more of these
beauty’s! I spend quite some time on their site, drooling over all the gorgeous
stamps, giggling over some text-stamps (“Elvis is dead and I’m not feeling
too good myself”) and narrowing down my “first choice” in stamps to a
reasonable amount (my first choice would have cost me $180)
I’m totally in love with the “running lady” (the big stamp on the left) and she
reminds me of my friend Lenny!!! Aaaah, dear Lenny (bonjour ma belle!)

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