Sorry for the delay and thanks for waiting my friends!
I was really busy writing articles yesterday and didn’t have time
to work on a page that lay waiting to finish or write a blogpost…
But here I am!
I finished the page this morning, and then there’s something else
I want you to show (yes, it’s dry by now 😉 )
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21 comments | tags: creative art journey, leonard cohen, rain, resist technique | posted in A Year in the Life of an Art Journal, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, Scrapping the Music, Workshops
I’m soooo happy with what I made last week!!!
I saw this tutorial a couple of weeks ago, and I new right away that I wanted
to work on that! My “Leonard Cohen Art Journal” still had no cover.
Well, that’s not true ’cause it HAD a cover – I tore down an old book and I
worked on the old pages, but that old fabric cover was still laying around
waiting for me to do something with it.
And now it screamed at me to be altered the way as shown in the tutorial!
Everything fell in place when I saw the Lotus Paperie challenge for this week:
“scrap anything that isn’t for an album (decor, altered things)”

And so I took
the old cover
out of the closet
and decided
that this was
to go work
on my
Leonard Cohen
Art Journal
Here’s how it
looked like
at first.
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10 comments | tags: Altered object, Book cover, Challenge #139, leonard cohen, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Lotus Paperie | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog
This is going to be a chaotic post… with a lot of randomness.
Things are a bit hectic at the moment and the more I create,
the more my “to do” list seems to grow instead of shrink.
I discovered some new blogs/artists lately (thanks to
the buried treasure project) and the inspiration has taken flight!
I just can’t choose where to start or what to begin with.
Lots of images/ideas/possibilities whirl through my head and I guess
it all has to descend and find it’s place before I can filter “my own thing”
out of it.
Do I sound a bit cryptic? Sorry, my English writing is not bad but
when it comes to explaining mixed feelings inside it’s hard to find
the right words in another language…
So let’s stop talking and let’s start showing!
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6 comments | tags: A to Z photo, Art journals, leonard cohen, Lotus Paperie, Photos, Sneak peek | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog, Photos
I don’t have much to say today.
Summerholidays are easy going…
A little bit of housekeeping.
A little bit of creating and
a lot of TV – watching “le Tour de France”
So I’m gonna show you some creativeness from last week,
and after that, sink down on the couch again.
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5 comments | tags: Art journals, Disintegration project, leonard cohen, Photos | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, Photos
When I woke up this morning and looked outside, I saw a typical Dutch sky…
Blue sky, white clouds, the sun was shining and wind was blowing
so the first thing that came to mind was: LAUNDRY DAY!

When I closed my eyes,
I saw images like this
(Clothesline chic.
Photo: New York Times Magazine)

Sweet dreams…
This is more
what it looks like
over in my little
(Only I have
white sheets
hanging on the
drying frame
right now.)
Between washing and hanging laundry, I finished the Leonard Cohen
Art Journal page I started this weekend.
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8 comments | tags: Art journals, Laundry, leonard cohen, Photo | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, Photos
Before you all start screaming and shouting and mail me about how MARVELLOUS this is, I have to tell you: this is NOT one of my pages!

I was kinda stuck with the
journaling on my own Art
Journal page I was working
on this weekend, so I googled
around to find inspiration…
and this is what I stumbled
over. Got fascinated right away! It is made by
Nancy Baumiller, and when
I found her blog I was in
oooohhh and aaaaw for a long
time. She has a gallery filled
with wonderful art and there
is so much to see and read on
each of her Art Journal pages
that it will take weeks to
explore all that. Pay her a visit, and be amazed!!!
Nancy’s way of journaling inspired me to do something similar, and so I finished yet another page in my Leonard Cohen Art Journal.
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8 comments | tags: Art journals, leonard cohen, Nancy Baumiller | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog
We had a wonderful weekend! Temperatures were Summer-like and I spend Saturday playing with glue… Alice wasn’t in Wonderland, but on my big crafting table, very much alive and laughing! (Sneak peek soon to come!)
Late in the afternoon, I got a phone call and it was a big surprise to hear my niece Lisa talking from me all the way from Canada!!! She spend the weekend at home (on Sunday, she had to go back to the hospital again) and it was so nice to hear her voice!!! She wears a bodice to protect her back and a collar (as you know she broke her neck and back) and she can’t use her left arm, so she’s handicapped but was glad to spend a weekend at home with her parents and brother! She has to wear all that “gear” for at least another few Months (we don’t know how long) and it’s not sure if her arm/hand will recover either, but at least she walks and talks and sounded good! Hooray for my strong niece!!!
On Sunday, we drove to my parents in Zeeland where we spend the day sitting in the garden, laughing and talking and getting a tan! I also payed my friend Lena a short visit, and she informed me that there was something wrong with the menu on top of my blog…. It’s fixed now but I’m sorry I asked you all to take a look at my gallery and pick your favourite lay out, while the menu
wasn’t working!!! So here’s my question again! Which of my lay outs would you pick as your favourite? Take a look at the gallery and let me know, I’m curious!
OK, enough with the talking!
You’re all here to see my latest work so I’ll show you some pictures of
the lay outs I finished last week, but didn’t publish earlier ’cause the
“Lotus introduction post” got in the way…
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9 comments | tags: Art journals, Award, Bauhaus, Lay out, leonard cohen, Lisa, OLW, One Little Word, Reflect, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud, Summer, Tower of Song | posted in Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog, One Little Word, Scrapping Out Loud