Another Art Journal page
Before you all start screaming and shouting and mail me about how MARVELLOUS this is, I have to tell you: this is NOT one of my pages!
I was kinda stuck with the
journaling on my own Art
Journal page I was working
on this weekend, so I googled
around to find inspiration…
and this is what I stumbled
over. Got fascinated right away! It is made by
Nancy Baumiller, and when
I found her blog I was in
oooohhh and aaaaw for a long
time. She has a gallery filled
with wonderful art and there
is so much to see and read on
each of her Art Journal pages
that it will take weeks to
explore all that. Pay her a visit, and be amazed!!!
Nancy’s way of journaling inspired me to do something similar, and so I finished yet another page in my Leonard Cohen Art Journal.