I promised you a big announcement and a lot of photo’s this week…
Here it comes.
It is in 2 languages now – English and Dutch – and I RENAMED IT TO:
Marit’s Paper World
My work goes beyond scrapbooking lately, and I think “Paper world”
includes all the art that I make now.
The address and e-mail remain the same though.
And for you who have my blinkie on their blog: did you see it change?
On my website, you can also register to receive my newsletter.
Whenever there is a new workshop coming up or other news to share
I will send a newsletter to the ones who register for it, so you stay up to date
(You can always cancel it if you don’t want to receive the newsletter anymore.)
Thanks to Marius for making everything possible!!!
There’s a new workshop in the make, the logo is on the website already.
It starts on October 22.
Keep an eye on the website (or register for the newsletter) ’cause more news
about it will follow soon.
Another announcement:
The introduction is on the STM blog today!
Thanks Michelle, for asking me!
I LOVE to work with all you girls this month!
Yesterday, Nout turned 18 and I gave him the mini I made for him.
He was thrilled, and it brought tears to his eyes.
He (and I) want to thank everyone who send advice, layouts, cards, nice quotes
and sweet words. I used everything!
I know you all are curious to see the end result, so here it is.
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28 comments | tags: advice, album, announcement, Guest designer, mini, new website, Nout, paper world | posted in Marit's blog, Photos, Workshops

… but last week was one to leave behind as soon as possible!
(Journaling in English: “… some weeks you better soon forget…”
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10 comments | tags: anger, Nout, reminder, weekly | posted in Marit's blog, weekly art journal 2010
Thought of writing a short post to update you all ’cause I’m afraid it won’t be until Friday before I find the time to write a post again.
So just a few things:
- Tomorrow my friend Lena will come visit me and it will be two days
of fun, giggling, crafting, eating, drinking and definitely NO blogging.
- Thursday it’s “Queens Day” over in the Netherlands (Yep, I live in a monarchy) The whole country will turn into one big orange “thing” and I’m planning a post about that to tell you foreigners what a bizarre country I’m in (and maybe show you some photo’s too, to illustrate the madness – so stay tuned!)
- I applied for the Design Team over at Lotus paperie… Eeeeeeck!
Keep your fingers crossed, ’cause I feel ready to join a DT now but
I don’t know if they feel the same and
- The “Alice in Wonderland Journal Circle Swap” is finally getting somewhere…
There are already 6 participants (you can still join the fun! Come to the SIStv forum overhere , sign in will be due May 15th) It probably will be a 6×6 journal; everybody makes a left and a right page, and we all end up with a “Alice Journal”…. Exiting huh!
- My niece is doing a little bit better (under the circumstances).
The surgery on her elbow on Friday went OK and from yesterday on
she breaths on her own (at least, that’s what the latest mail told us.)
- Nout (my son) has school holidays this week, he’s with his dad now but he’ll come to join us on Wednesday. I asked him to come over early so he can take a photo shoot of me and my friend Lena. Nout is a real good photographer (at 16!) He works with a tele lens most of the time and I can do with some fresh pics of me and Lena! (it’s been a long time!) He uploaded some of his pics here and you really should take a look at that, or at his weblog! (He likes to get comments too you know, and if you’re a mum you know how much it means to a teenager to get a compliment now and then!)
I’ll leave you with a photo Nout took from me and my beloved last week.
(Don’t forget to love each other!!!)

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5 comments | tags: Alice in Wonderland, Design Team, Lena, Lisa, Nout, Photos, Visit
After my last “Wonderland” lay out, I had troubles to start another one.
I wondered through the house, looked at my photo’s, looked for my mojo,
did something else (cleaned the kitchen!) looked at my photo’s again and finally started a lay out with the Word Up #45 “Fun” (OLW challenge).
It turned out to be NO FUN at ALL!!!
Worked a few hours on it, and it became more and more ugly. It’s gone now! Threw it away! (after ripping of the, already glued, alphabet to re-use)
Sorry guys, but it was way to ugly to show – or even tell more – about that one.
Let’s forget OLW this time!
So, looking for fun on the Internet then, I came along Jessica’s blog and there
she wrote this:
“So, I tagged Lisa for the 6th pic in the 6th folder thingy and she left me this comment today “Now I dare you to go back and show us the 6th layout you ever made… that should be fun!! 😉 ” ….great idea… right..
Wanna play… Find the pic of the 6th layout… and post it… c’mon and leave me a link so I can see it… can’t be any uglier than mine!
OK, I was in for some fun so I looked up my first album and started
counting the pages….
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5 comments | tags: Dad, Fishing, Lay out, Nout, Scrap lay out, Tagged