Book of Me – more pages
For those who didn’t know already, I worked on a “Book of Me”
throughout August. On the Cocoa Daisy forum there was a
daily “BOM challenge/theme” to make pages for your own book
and if you did them all, you ended up with 31 pages…
I skipped some challenges along the way ’cause I didn’t like all the
themes, and now I’m almost done with my book.
Still two pages to make (maybe three, after today’s challenge is posted
and I like the theme) and I want to make one “last page” myself, but
since the rest is done I made the cover last weekend.
This had to be
I chose my
favorite materials
for the cover.
Paper from an
old encyclopedia
and spray ink in
my fave colours!
I hand wrote & cut
the title to use as
a mask. It simply
says “I”