I bet you all have been thinking “where’s that lay out she would made
for her post #100 – the one Angèle challenged her to do…?”
Remember that?
“I choose picture one. I think the photo was taken in early spring.
I see little yellow flowers. Or are they winter violets?
I choose this yellow to be the main colour for your scrap!”
Angèle is the only one who knew this: I had it finished more then a week ago!
I had fun working on it and – although it wasn’t my intention to
combine things – I used a technique that Lotus Paperie would come up with
for today’s challenge #137 – use watercolour paint/pencils.
So I e-mailed Angèle to tell her I finished the lay out, but that she could not
see it yet ’cause I would publish it not earlier then today… but that it would
be published on two blogs then – mine and Lotus Paperie!
And today is that day! So here it comes…
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17 comments | tags: Challenge, Lay out, Lotus Paperie, Lotus Paperie lay out, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog

Lotus Paperie
challenge #136
is a sketch again
but before I
show you
what I did
with it,
you should
know this first…
- In 1977, Yves Saint Laurent (a famous French fashion designer)
launched a new perfume called “Paris” and a few years later it was
available in the Netherlands. I was 19 and I liked the advertising
campaign! There was a beautiful lady (skinny, of course) and the
Eiffel Tower (of course!) and the smell was described as something
with “wild roses”. At that very moment, I knew.
This will be MY perfume!
So I went to a perfume shop to smell the stuff – and I was right!
I wear that perfume ever since. Yes, I know it’s expensive.
It’s pure luxury! And yes, I tried different odours…
but no. “Paris” is my perfume.
In fact, I heard several times from friends: “I was there-and-there
and I smelled you come by, but it wasn’t you…
- Just a couple of weeks ago, I met a fabulous lady on the Internet.
Her name is Cynthia, she makes marvelous scraps and you should
definitely check out her blog “Technicolorpostcards“.
Although (or because?) she lives in the USA,
she’s way over her head madly in love with France and Paris…
I saw some postcards and old pictures of Paris on her blog,
and got inspired!
And so, dear readers…. my Lotus lay out is all about perfume this week!
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12 comments | tags: Award, Blog award, BOM, Book of Me, Lay out, Lotus Paperie lay out, Paris, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog
Teehee…. the new Lotus Paperie challenge #135 just went on line,
and this week it’s all about finger paint!
When I saw the challenge, I went looking for the most difficult and confusing
(Latin) synonym for the word I had in mind to use as a title.
Just to tease you!
I giggled when I found it.
I imagined your faces would look like this when you read the title. 😕
Am I right?
Rhypophobia = “fear for dirt”
uhhhm, I found out later: fear for a very DIRTY dirt
I should have used “Automysophobia”
but the lay out was already made
Oh, well
never mind.
(…still giggling…)
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8 comments | tags: Challenge #135, Fingerpaint, Lay out, Lotus Paperie, Paint, Rhypophobic, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog
I just found out I WON the One Little Word challenge!
You can see my lay out here.
Tuesdaymorning, and it’s gonna be a lovely daaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
back to homepage
17 comments | tags: Challenge, Lay out, OLW, One Little Word, Scrap lay out, Why | posted in One Little Word

“On Thursday July 23, all participants of the “Buried Treasure” project
will re-post a favorite blog post as part of the Buried Treasure collaboration.”
This project is all about highlighting some old posts or art or lay outs
or whatever you once blogged about.
“Dig deep, and find some buried treasures” – and I did!
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11 comments | tags: Buried treasures, Lay out, Scrap lay out
One Little Word came with the word “Why”
I haven’t played OLW in ages, but I liked this word
and decided to give it a go this time.
I don’t know how you call this in other countries, but here in Holland
every child around 2-and-a-half to 3 years old goes through
the “Waarom-fase” (“Why-phase”)
If you have kids, you probably know how irritating it can be
when your child keeps on asking “why….” all day long.
Every mum has the intention to “always take my kids serious
and answer their questions” –
that is untill the kids reach that certain age… 2-and-a-half!
Then it starts.
And in the end, every mum finds herself saying:
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9 comments | tags: Challenge, Disintegration project, Lay out, OLW, One Little Word, Photo, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud | posted in Marit's blog, One Little Word, Photos, Scrapping Out Loud
Challenge #133 at Lotus Paperie this week:
“Use a blurry/crappy photo”

I remembered the
photo’s my son took
when he just got
his new camera.
He played with the
manual (shutter/
lens opening) to get
control over it, and
besides some
perfect focused
photo’s he made
some “out-of-focus-pics” like this one.
It’s a nice series of photo’s though, so I decided to do something with it.
I thougt of using one focused, and a few out of focus pics
and the title should be “Focus”.
This is how it works with me: I start with something – in this case the pictures and a title – and then I let it simmer for a while. See what comes in my head. And sometimes I bump onto something unexpected. Coincidental accidents.

This CD was
laying on the table
(Janis Joplin with
Big brother &
the Holding
My guy’s listened
to it the other
evening and it
wasn’t put back
on it’s place yet.
And there it was –
the idea of using
this as a sketch
and put the sharp
photo in the
middle… focus!
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10 comments | tags: blurry photo, Lay out, Lotus Paperie, Scrap lay out | posted in Lotus Paperie, Marit's blog