As I wrote in my former post, I tried to combine two challenges in one LO,
and I managed quite well to say so myself!
Challenge #28 over at ScrapMojo was the following:
“This one is about your traditions.
What is the one (or two or three) tradition(s) you have for New Years?
Do you make sure to kiss someone? How bout singing songs?
Maybe a special hat? Or yes even making resolutions that you don’t keep
can be one! We want to see your tradition.
The second part of the challenge is to use buttons.”
I combined the ScrapMojochallenge with this sketch Scrapping out Loud
came up with…
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12 comments | tags: Challenge, Lay out, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo, Scrapping Out Loud, Sketch, Top 2000 | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo, Scrapping Out Loud
I WON!!!
I’m soooo exited!!!
I won the scrapchallenge over at ScrapMojo this time!
Yeah! Wohw! ME!!!!
I never won a challenge or contest before so this totally makes my day!
On top of me winning, it snowed and the sky is blue and the sun is shining…. this is my lucky day.
My year started of just fine!!!
Today I love life and love you all.
I’ll be back this evening to reward you for this feeling with a gift to you all,
so check on me later!
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7 comments | tags: Challenge, ScrapMojo, Win | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
This morning I spend quite some time surfing on the Internet and I had a lot
of fun reading other blogs and getting inspired by all the amazing layouts, techniques and pictures I saw! I even found other challengeblogs that looked nice to me, but I don’t think I’m going to play along with all that challenges.
A girl’s gotta have time left for her own projects too, you know!
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12 comments | tags: Challenge, Christmas, Glow, ScrapMojo, Sparkles | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo
Did quite some scrapping this weekend! Not only finished my layout
for OLW (see former post) but also made a layout for ScrapMojo
challenge #26… Here’s the challenge they came up with:
“Your challenge is to make a statement with your scrapbooking. It can be any kind of a statement. Use it as your “soap box”, tell us something that you think is important, or something that we should know. You may not even have to use words to make your statement. The sky is the limit! Second part of the challenge is to use ink. Any way you want to any kind at all.”
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6 comments | tags: Challenge, Lay out, Modest, Polite, Scrap lay out, ScrapMojo, Soap box, Statement | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo