Hey you all!
SIStv celebrates a huge SISiversary in Franklin, Tennessee this weekend,
but of course not all the SISters were able to be there…
so we have something cooking and the SISters are very busy
planning an online party filled with fun and challenges!!
And guess who’s hosting a marvelous challenge over there on
Saturday 27th June?
Yep, you’re sooooo right, ME!!!
My challenge will be in the forum at 2:00 p.m. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (that will be 9:00 p.m. for Dutchies like me…)
Hop on over to their forum, take a glance at a thread called
“6/24 – New Virtual SIS schedule”
and see for yourself how the schedule is filled with lovely challenges,
prizes to win too!
So, if you’re registered at SIStv – share the fun – and if you’re not….
’cause I would love to see you all playing overthere this weekend.
Hope to see you at SIStv then!
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3 comments | tags: Celebrate, Challenge, Online challenge, SIS, SISiversary, SIStv
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
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17 comments | tags: Art journals, Genius, Gypsy Wife, leonard cohen, NSD, Numbers, pi, SIStv, Weird | posted in Art Journals, Leonard Cohen Art Journal, Marit's blog
As you may (or may not) know, I’m my own boss. I run a small company together with my love (see our website) It’s just the two of us, and since
we have our office right at home I can schedule my week anyway I like.
Since crisis struck, there’s not always enough work for the both of us
(anyone need a new bloglook/website? Mail me!) so most of the time my beloved manages the office on his own and I keep myself busy around the house. Housekeeping, laundry, shopping, cooking… and it leaves me a lot of time to create!
When Scrapping out Loud came with their last challenge I didn’t know what to make of it…
“For this week we challenge you to Scrap a page about your favorite day of the week and tell us why it is your favorite day, or what makes it your favorite day.”
Because I can do whatever I like on any day of the week, I don’t have much of a favorite day. I DO have some returning rituals though, so I brainstormed about that a bit and look what I came up with!
(Warning!!! Lots of pictures ahead!)
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12 comments | tags: Challenge, Cigarettes, Coffee, distress ink, Lay out, Mini album, Mini book, Morning paper, Scrap lay out, Scrapping Out Loud, SIStv | posted in Marit's blog, Scrapping Out Loud