Hi there…
The moment
I saw the sketch
that Lotus Paperie
came up with
for this week’s
challenge #132,
I knew I was
gonna use it
to make a
mini book.
It’s been too long
(since April)
that I made one!
The moment
I saw the sketch
that Lotus Paperie
came up with
for this week’s
challenge #132,
I knew I was
gonna use it
to make a
mini book.
It’s been too long
(since April)
that I made one!
‘Cause actually, it was last Tuesday that Scrapping out Lout came up with the new challenge – and Tuesday I felt *@#!~##&!!?@**!!!!
I looked at the challenge and decided to use the Word of the Week (“Today“)
– combined with my feeling – right away!
I took my camera and played!
It was yesterday that it became clear where the feeling had come from, yep, that time of the month… I don’t have to explain any further, do I ladies? So I took an aspirin and started making the LO with the photo’s
I took (using the sketch also)
And today? Today my son is here (I’m a co-parent, he has been at his dad’s the last days) and he’s been ill for almost a week. Having the flue and a nasty cough. He stayed home from school last week and he’s sleeping even longer as adolescents use to do when they get a change… (He stayed in bed for so long today that I went upstairs to look if he was still alive!)
Today I also took another look at the LO I made and… Oh, well,
take a look at it yourself.
Prepare for another colourful lay out!!!
Scrapping out Loud came with this challenge:
“Split complimentary color challenge:
We have another color challenge for you all this week… but this time you are to use only 3 split complimentary colors from the color wheel on your layout….not sure what split complimentary means, check out the color wheel…”
I made you this example so you get an
idea what “split complimentary” means.
(I enlightened the 3 colours
I used on my lay out.)
…GOOD when the postman rings the doorbell to bring you this!
This arrived last Thursday – finally!
I was expecting it for a few weeks already!
It’s the Sassafras kit
I won over at ScrapMojo with my “Christmas lay out”
It took seven (yes, 7) weeks to get here…
but finally I received it
and although some
patterned paper show
Christmas trees and
little reindeer’s, I’m
very happy with it!
This little bundle includes spring-like little papers.
I fell in love with it right away!
My second post this day, but hey – can you blame me?
I don’t get a reward everyday you know!!! (see former post)
This afternoon I finished my LO for the challenge Scrapping out loud! came up with this week. This was their challenge:
“We want to know what 2008 taught you?
Tell us what you have learned from the past year on a layout.”
As I wrote in my former post, I tried to combine two challenges in one LO,
and I managed quite well to say so myself!
Challenge #28 over at ScrapMojo was the following:
“This one is about your traditions.
What is the one (or two or three) tradition(s) you have for New Years?
Do you make sure to kiss someone? How bout singing songs?
Maybe a special hat? Or yes even making resolutions that you don’t keep
can be one! We want to see your tradition.
The second part of the challenge is to use buttons.”
I combined the ScrapMojochallenge with this sketch Scrapping out Loud
came up with…