Dec 23 2010

Getting ready…

I’m getting ready for the top 2000… but before we take off this Saturday
I thought I’d show you some things I made.
(As you know, next week will have an everyday post that is filled with
top 2000 music-related layouts, no regular blogging.
I already received some marvelous artwork in my mailbox from all over
the world – I was flabbergasted! Be sure to check in every day during the
top 2000 week!)

Oh, and to make the top 2000 blog party more fun, I throw in a prize!
Yep, you heard me. I show you at the end of this post…


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Dec 17 2010

Keep on smilin’

Yeh, right…
do I finally have some free time, and then I catch a cold…

I choose to ignore it
and I still play with my
pens and art journals,
but that’s kinda hard to do
when there’s something
dripping from your nose
on to your art journal page…

It’s the right time of the year
to catch a cold though…
I feel sooo related to Rudolph
and I sing along with the song…

‘Budolb the bed bose bendeew”


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Nov 26 2010

Top 2000 blog party!

This post will stay on top of the Home page untill December 22.
Scroll down to see my latest post!

It’s the end of November, and it’s starting to itch….

Some of you immediately know what this means (hi there, collaborators!)

Some of you have no idea…

…well, you may want to read further then, especially if you
are a music lover! You don’t want to miss this!!


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Dec 31 2009

Top 2000 (#280 – #1)


As of 2011 – I am blogging on this address:

For the 2011 edition of the top 2000 – hop on over!




This is the final day of our little Music party…
time flies when you’re having fun!

I want to thank all the ladies that played along: Michelle, Chris, Jeanet,
Mirjam, Lena, Maja & Denise and the men: Marius, Nout & Ricky.

Some of you allready asked to do this again next year – and yeah,
I had a great time… but let’s see what the new year brings.
I definitely keep it in mind though!!

So on to the final hours in 2009… counting down to the number one in
the top 2000. Here are the songs you chose to scrap on this last day…

(remember you can click on the image to enlarge for a better view)

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Dec 30 2009

Top 2000 (#582 – #281)


As of 2011 – I am blogging on this address:

For the 2011 edition of the top 2000 – hop on over!




(If you want to play along, read this post for details )

We’re at the 6th day of the top 2000 – only one day left and I can tell you
allready, I will miss this daily top 2000 music scrapping!!!

But it ain’t over ’till it’s over – and we got TWO new participants today!!!
Denise had some trouble mailing  and due to that, and time difference,
her layout for yesterday made it to me this morning.
But I’m gonna put it on today for everyone to see!!!
And Maja also made a wonderful layout to show.
Thanks for joining us ladies!

(Remember folks, tomorrow is the last day. Come play along with us, mail me
those music layouts and let’s start the new year WITH A BOOST!!!!)

Here are todays layouts ordered by number…
(remember you can click on the image to enlarge for a better view
and if you click the names/links you’ll be linked to some special places…)

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Dec 29 2009

Top 2000 (#896 – #583 )


As of 2011 – I am blogging on this address:

For the 2011 edition of the top 2000 – hop on over!




(If you want to play along, read this post for details )

Can you believe the number of layouts today???!!! WOWZAH!
Thank you all so much for playing along!!!
We’re at the 5th day of the top 2000 already – but still two more days to go.
Today is an extra special day, ’cause BOTH my men (beloved and son)
played along!!! Check out their contributions!!!

Here are the layouts ordered by number…
(remember you can click on the image to enlarge for a better view
and if you click the names/links you’ll be linked to some special places…)

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Dec 28 2009

Top 2000 (#1204 – #897)


As of 2011 – I am blogging on this address:

For the 2011 edition of the top 2000 – hop on over!



Today is extra special because:




(Happy birthday dear! Love you!!!)

(If you want to play along and scrap the top 2000, read this post for details )

Here are the layouts ordered by number…
(remember you can click on the image to enlarge for a better view)

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