My second post on one day – what the h….
But this girl is waaaayyyy happy!
Not only did I win the “One Little Word” challenge last week
and a KIT over at Corinne’s blog
I also won The Next Step ‘s monthly prize!!!!
OH.MY!!!! This is gonna be ONE. HAPPY. WEEKEND!!!
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6 comments | tags: Challenges, Win, Winner
I WON!!!
I’m soooo exited!!!
I won the scrapchallenge over at ScrapMojo this time!
Yeah! Wohw! ME!!!!
I never won a challenge or contest before so this totally makes my day!
On top of me winning, it snowed and the sky is blue and the sun is shining…. this is my lucky day.
My year started of just fine!!!
Today I love life and love you all.
I’ll be back this evening to reward you for this feeling with a gift to you all,
so check on me later!
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7 comments | tags: Challenge, ScrapMojo, Win | posted in Marit's blog, ScrapMojo