It’s Tuesday evening when I write this. This blogpost has been on ‘draft’ for weeks and I kept on adding pictures, but still every week again I did not find the time to post… until now. It looks like I will have time later this week to visit Julia and the other deskers from the WOYWW gang (and the latter is, to my opinion, a condition to categorize my post under “woyww”.)
Due to my job; the worries I had according my mum (she was very ill and in hospital/IC for a while, she’s doing better now) and all sorts of other obligations I held on to this blogpost until now. I still don’t have much time to write a lot but at least it contains my latest art journal spreads to look at and I even took a photo of my workdesk last Sunday – my desk doesn’t look very different now I must say, although I closed the watercolour box and untaped (is that a word?) the small paintings from my desk.
OK, the above may sound a bit chaotic, I may even BE a little chaotic lately but at least I AM HERE and I look forward to visit your blogs and tour along your desks. Here’s mine (and my latest art journal spreads) ENJOY!
Chronicles 2022 – Week 4
Chronicles 2022 – Week 5
Chronicles 2022 – Week 6
Chronicles 2022 – Week 7
Chronicles 2022 – Week 8
This last spread, Week 8, speaks about “oorlog” (War) and that is still on everybody’s mind today… let’s hope the situation will improve soon, keep your spirit up. I send you peace & love from the Netherlands!
Sarah Brennan says
Good to see you Marit and glad to hear your mum is doing better. Such a variety of chronicles and of course the last one very much on everyone’s mind. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
Helen Lindfield says
Good morning and it is so good to see you again. I am sorry you have had such a tough time and hope your Mum is feeling better. Great to see the chronicles again. Much love. Helen #2
LLJ says
How worrying for you when your mum was in hospital, I’m glad she’s better now and you can relax a little. Love your artwork as always, it’s nice to see yo7 on the desks again!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx
Diana Taylor says
Morning Marit, lovely to see you on the desks this week and I’m glad your mum is doing well. I love the watercolour paintings – beautiful colours, and the journal pages are great, the last one is very poignant and I think all our minds are on that at the moment. Stay safe and well and have a good week,
Diana xx #16
glitterandglue says
Morning Marit. I’m sorry to see your mum has been so very unwell – you must have been so concerned. Glad to hear that she is doing so much better. Good news indeed. I lobe the little watercolours you have on your desk – they are great. You have been busy with your chronicles.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #11
Angela says
Nice to see you and yes untaped sounds good to me! I always seem to tear the paper when the tape comes off so I use paper clips to keep it steady, doesn’t help with a white border though. Happy WOYWW, Angela #13
Cindy says
Hello Marit, that’s the good thing about WOYWW – you are always welcome!! As a serial absentee myself that’s good to know and like you I don’t post if I know I can’t get round – and life still gets in the way sometimes!! Good to hear mum is doing better, it’s so distracting even if you can’t do much. Hope she continues to improve. Intrigued by those little paintings on your desk! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #12
Lynne says
Hi Marit, so glad your Mum is feeling better. It’s a worrying time.
Your journals are very dynamic. I also zoomed in to see your watercolour paintings, which were lovely.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 14
Angela Radford says
Hi Marit it’s great to see you. I absolutely understand what you’re going through with your mum. My one is 94 and still in her own home though she would probably be better in a care home where she could have someone around all the time. Today my hubby spent two hours trying to sort a problem with her gas metre reading and finally gave up. These companies do not make it easy and have no understanding that she cannot let them in the house as she cannot get to the door. She has a smart metre but apparently it’s not working properly! Anyway…. I love to see your wonderful journal pages and I really will get round to filling more of mine some time but have to say the Masterboards and MDF stuff have been taking up my spare time what there is of it. You take care and have a good woyww. Hugs, Angela x15x
Robert says
So great to see this, Marit! Best wishes to your mum for a speedy and complete recovery! Indeed, the subject of your final blogpost is truly on everyone’s mind, the world over. We can only hope that the individual in power in Russia causing all of this death and destruction and misery and pain comes to his senses. I always love seeing your work desk and what new things you are doing. I do wish mine was as neat and organized as yours. Best wishes to you always!
Tracy Easson says
Hellooo Marit, sending gentle hugs and get well wishes to your mum,I hope she feels better soon 🤗 Loving your wee paintings on your desk and the happiness of having watercolours opened 💕 and I adore your journal pages!!
You mind and take care of you too, sending love and hugs Tracy #17 xxxx
Mary Anne says
Always a pleasure to see your pages. Sad to hear your Mom is not well, and yes, wishing her a speedy recovery. Totally agree with you on the world situation – we can but hope it improves, and quickly.
Happy late-in-the-day WOYWW
Mary Anne (1)
Susan Renshaw says
Lovely to see you again – I always love to see your spreads!
It is Thursday morning here in Melbourne and I have just discovered my link isn’t on Stamping Ground so here I am at #22!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!