I am late with writing my blogpost today, but there is a reason for that.
I have been working on an altered object last couple of days and only one
little thing was left to do to finish it. Of course I wanted it done this morning,
so I could show it on my blog. I managed with a little help from my beloved
and I’m proud to show you …
… my altered wine box!!
I saw this at Hermine’s blog (here and here ) and since my tape is a mess –
the rolls all together thrown in a cardboard box – I was on the lookout for
a wine box ever since. Last week, my mum and dad received this big wine box
for their 50th wedding anniversary (it contained two bottles of wine and a
corkscrew) so I put on my ‘how-can-you-resist-this-sweet-little-girl-
that-is-your-daughter’ face and begged my dad for the box.
Needless to say: he gave it to me! (Thanks dad!)
Over the weekend, I painted the box pink & orange – white & beige and
again pink & orange… I just could not decide which colors I liked the most.
In the end, I stuck with the bright colors.
Then there was the decission what image should go on the lid.
I spend one afternoon cutting images from magazines, which I shove
aside the day after. Naaahhh.
Luckely I came across my old atlas. I flipped it open to see if using maps
would be a good idea. Then I saw all these little photos on the first pages
in the atlas and the idea was there!
Here’s a detail photo.
Since it was such a big box (31 cm / 12.2 inch wide) I needed long sticks
to hang the tape on. Hermine used BBQ-skewers, so off I was: to the ‘Action’
(that’s a shop similar to a dollar store in the US)
There were no BBQ-skewers!
I decided to stroll through the store to see if there was an alternative and…
EUREKA!! Knitting needles! I found the solution for only 39 euro cent a pair…
Hermine decorated only the lid of her boxes, but I painted the outside too.
I had to, ’cause there was the name of the wine store stamped all over it.
I used sequin waste (the circles) and handmade templates (the herringbone
and squares designs) for that extra touch.
As you can see.. there’s lots of room left to store more (Washi) tape which
is a good thing as my birthday is coming up next week… hint, hint ๐
The Chronicles of Marit 2012 – Week 38
If you have read my former post, you know I had quite an engrossing time
last week. One spread in my Chronicles art journal wasn’t big enough to
capture all the events, so I taped strips to the pages to enlarge them.
There’s not much decoration on the spread this time.
I only glued down the photos of my brother’s visit and used the rest
of the space to write, write, write.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Left side:
Right side
(My bro gave me the left over ‘salt and pepper’ bagsย from the airplane-food.)
This week I will be working on some more projects (some ‘secret’ and some
‘for fun’), I am busy teaching two online art journal workshops (‘Let it Loose’
and ‘A Creative Art Journey’ in Dutch and English – registration is open until
September 30th so hurry if you want to join!) and on top of that, FEATURING
magazine will come from the printers’ office someday this week.
Can’t wait to see it!!
I wish you all a happy week too.. what are you up to?
What a great idea! Really cute too!
What a great project! and using knitting needles – genius! I have been a blog stalker lately with not much commenting but I always love dropping by your blog. happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prachtig, Marit! En wat een leuk idee om zo’n box voor je tape te gebruiken..al dan niet met breinaalden. ๐
What a cool idea! Love it!
Ohhhhh… Marit! I am so jaleous of your masking tape box! Want one!
Wat een leuke tape doos Marit. Ik heb zo’n zelfde wijndoos op mijn creatafel staan met allemaal tubes en potjes erin, maar als ik er wat anders mee ga doen is dit een wereld idee
that’s a great project Marit, and I’m totally loving your art journal. Hopefully with practice I can become more creative like that.
Wow wat een supergave washi tape storage box (hahaha klinkt veel interessanter dan een wijnkistje vind je niet) en super opgelost met breinaalden. Van welk merk zijn die grote rollen, die ben ik nog niet tegengekomen? En wat een geweldige spread.
That looks GREAT!!! you did an awesome job with the winebox. and the colors.. oh my the colors are to die for! you’re an artist!
I love your wine/tape box You could sell those!
Amazing projects Marit!! I love love love how you used those knitting needles for your washi tapes!! GENIUS!!!!!
Lovely project, the colors are beautiful ๐
This is just perfect! You did a fabulous job on it.
Really great idea and awesome outcome!
Wat een super idee om je tape zo op te bergen en ook zo handig dat het stofvrij op is te bergen. Die ga ik onthouden en ik ga eens kijken of er ergens een wijnkistje te halen is.
I love it!!! Beautiful and functional! Anxiously awaiting the next issue of Featuring! Looks like a very special family event too!
Wow, love how you painted the box and made good use of it Marit! Yummy colours, patterns and idea. ANd your current art journal – what an awesome form of the pages you added on… lovely!
Ontzettend leuk idee. Ik zou zelf niet zo met de washi tape kunnen werken, omdat ik die altijd boven de pagina hou en zo afmeet en direct afscheur, maar het ziet er geweldig uit. Sowieso wel leuk om een wijnkistje zo om te toveren. En de journalpagina’s zijn geweldig. Mooie dingen vandaag hoor dame! ๐ (en nu gaat de computer uit en gaat Caat offline, vakantie!)