My creative life ain’t really ‘flowing’ the last weeks. I can’t seem to focus
or work on a page for longer than an hour or so… I guess it all has to do
with watching the Tour de France and writing articles for CmF in between.
A girl can only have a certain amount of things on her mind and it seems
my head is filled with all that. No room for more… (and I’m not even blond ๐ )
So although I DO have something to show to you today, don’t expect
the best artwork from me this time. It’s either unfinished or ‘blaahhh…’
But hey, don’t we all have periods like that?!
The latest prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal was published
last Friday. Every 15th of the month, a prompt is brought to you by Rachel,
the founder. The prompt at the end of the month is brought by one of the
guest hosts. I am one of the hosts, and I always try to get every prompt
done in time, so that my page can be used as inspiration.
This is the latest prompt:
THE SONG: Mama’s Arms by Joshua Kadison
I had trouble to find inspiration this time… the song (and lyrics)
is quite depressing and the word ‘Broken’ didn’t make it any better….
I decided to give this prompt a positive twist and stick to the song title
‘mama’s arms’ in a good way (in the song, the person is longing for
‘mama’s arms’. I can’t recall how that must feel, ’cause my mum’s arms
are always there for me!)
Anyway… I worked on the page for a while and although I liked what I
was doing at first – it became a real burden in the end.
The page is too neat. Inspiration gone. Prompt date getting closer.
You know the feeling?
I decided to skip the prompt this time instead of working some more
on the page that would certainly get me more frustrated as I was not
‘feeling’ this prompt. There would come no good out of that.
So here’s the unfinished page.
I might work on it some more one day but I might as well not…
The ‘weekly art journal page’ has become a habit which I can’t do without.
This week’s page isn’t very consistent… it suffers from a lack of balance
and the colours are too harsh. I don’t mind though. I jotted down what
happened this week and I move on to the next page. That’s the fun part
of this journal. After all, it’s purpose is to be like a diary – to remember
the things that happened in my life.
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – Week 28
So.. my pages suck this time.
The weather in the Netherlands is awfull (wind, rain and low temperatures)
In case you start to worry about me – is there nothing good left? –
Ofcourse there is!!! Like:
- watching ‘The Blues’ with my men – my son got the DVD-box for
his birthday and together we watch one documentary every night.
(The Blues is a 2003 documentary film series produced by Martin
Scorsese, dedicated to the history of blues music. In each of the
seven episodes, a different director explores a stage in the
development of the blues.) - The flowers that I bought on the local market a few weeks ago
are flowering and blooming wonderfully, because of all the rain. - The ‘mussel season’ started, and although I am old fashion and
don’t eat them before ‘the R is in the Month’, I am already looking
forward to a mussel diner! - My son, who connected his new record player via a pre-amplifier
with his music system and is happily playing old Neil Young records
right now. (yep, they do exist: young men who like ‘sixties music’…)
And last but not least… something that will make YOU happy!
My friend Lena at Six Lilies Studio is celebrating her one year blog anniversary
with a giveaway!! All you have to do is leave her a comment and you will be in
for the drawing! So what are you waiting for…? Hop on over and say HI to her!
I’ll be back on Friday.
Enjoy your week dear ones!
Since I don’t eat mussels I had never heard about the “before the months with R” business, but it seems to make sens. I don’t think it would be good anytime in Texas because we have 100 degree temps from May until FOREVER…well at least it feels like it. ๐
Ach, dit soort periodes hebben we allemaal hoor! Straks knallen je kunstwerken weer van het scherm af! Gewoon lekker gaan genieten van deze toch behoorlijk spannende Tour!
I get the ‘blah’ moments… but everything you create I think is beautiful! I am loving how the bird page is coming along!! I loveeeeeee the colors….and loving all that yellow on your art journal page! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Hello Marit,
Found your blog on 2peas. Since I am not an artist by any means, I find it hard to find something wrong with your pages. I do love the second page though but that has more to do with the fac that I love those colors over pinks and purples. For me the weather you are posting about would be what would make me feel rather uncreative…for some reason weather really affects my creativity! You are funny “Yes, they do exist, young men who still like 60’s music” I love music of all genres and decades so it’s cool that your son does too. I haven’t had mussels in quite some time but haven’t heard of the tradition of not eating them “before the R is in the month”. I would love to hear what that is all about!
He, ik weet er alles van…ik zit er middenin! Als ik zou kunnen heb ik geen zin of inspiratie en als ik niet kan loopt mijn hoofd over van ideeen. Maar mojo komt zeker weer bij je terug hoor!
Lieve groetjes – Irma
Beautiful weekly page with the bicycles! I love the birds. They are so beautiful against the pink.
Having horrible weather never helps The Muse, Marit! And deadlines only add to frustration and stifle creativity. I just met another deadline myself, and haven’t been creating or blogging as much as I’d like. Just remember that this too shall pass!!! I’m so happy that you’ve posted your unfinished page . . . . it makes me feel so much better about so many of mine!!! LOL!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
sometimes its about documentation and not prettiness! I still like your journal page a lot, especially the nod to the tour de france!
I did some stuff last weekend, just too lazy to photgraph and post. I should do a camp prompt, huh?! LOL!!!
yum, mussels! I’m going to the beach next weekend for a little kayaking, maybe for lunch I’ll have clams instead??? (crab, lobster???) : .)
happy tuesday Lady!
Net een paar Blah-momenten achter de rug hebbende, weet ik hoe het voelt… Het weer werkt idd ook niet echt mee, maar lees net op dat we de ergste natheid achter de rug hebben (Yay!). Dus gewoon lekker genieten van alle mooie dingen, en dan komt de rest ook wel weer (zouden die mosseltjes helpen???) XXX Natalie
Toch maar afmaken hoor, die LO met die vogels!! Ik vind ze hartstikke mooi!!! Maar ik snap wat je zegt over de naderende deadlines… Als zo’n LO dan al niet zo “soepeltjes” gaat en dan die dichterbij komende einddatum… nee, dan lukt het helemaal niet meer! Gewoon even wegleggen, weet zeker dat je er iets waanzinnigs van gaat maken!!!
I know the feelings you are describing all too well, but really your journal pages look fab to me. They are so different and yet equally lovely. We are our own worst critic aren’t we?! Kate
Neil Young ?! That is the music of my childhood growing up – he was my Dad’s absolute favorite artist. How great that your son is enjoying that blast from the past !
Of course I don’t think your pages suck but they do lack the usual Marit energy – but you know that is all good. You are enjoying life in other ways right now. It’s all good, as I like to say.
How I wish I could take a boat, bring the sunshine and warmth with me, and swim over the ocean with a parade of dolphin over to your country, but by the sea, and we could have a big plate of mussels and frites, with some lovely cold beer, you and me !
Daydreams = sweet !
Have a great week, Lovely One !
I think your pages are amazing! ๐
Neil Young rocks – I had teen fantasies while I was playing guitar in those days, of playing with him!! That sounds awful now, but hey!
You are so hard on yourself – your pages are always cool!! Not every page will become a masterpiece in reality! (Oh and I hate this song too – Mama’s arms – yeuck!)
No need to qualify your pages or think they are not good enough…you are a brilliant artiste and with that comes ups and downs AND you do so much!!!
I like what you’ve created and posted here very much!
Also…I am not surprised your man child has such good taste in music…you are his mother after all!
Hi Marit! Dankje voor de reactie op m’n blog! Ik volg je al een tijdje maar heb nog nooit gereageerd…Je maakt prachtige pagina’s! Erg inspirerend! Groetjes, Simone
Gelukkig, inderdaad geen stoelhoes die uit me steekt ๐
You’re so harsh on yourself! I do love that 28th spread! I don’t think it lacks of balance or that the colors are too bright! I love it!
I’m so glad you shared your creative block!! This is something I can’t stress enough to people about the prompts… they have to become your own… and it’s nice that someone as amazing and creative as yourself is willing to share when those moments don’t happen for you. It helps others that are struggling with that to know they aren’t the only ones, and it’s not them. ๐ Thanks so much for sharing even though you aren’t happy with it as it stands!! I love you!