‘Ring ring….’ – ‘ring ring….’
M: ‘Yes, who am I speaking to?’
R: ‘Hi sissy, it’s your brother here’
M: ‘Aaah, hi bro! How are things in Canada?’
R: ‘We’re alright, but what I’m calling for: I want to thank you!’
M: ‘???? Thank me? For what?’
R: ‘For that piece on your blog the other day, the Pink Floyd page.
That song, and especially that line is one of my faves. I was really
moved by your artwork.’
M: ‘That’s the nicest compliment someone ever gave me!
– Thank YOU brother!’
(A few weeks after this conversation it was my brother’s birthday. The piece
he was talking about was a page in my ‘album cover’ journal that I didn’t
want to tear out, but I made him a similar art piece on a cardboard panel.
He received it last week, so I can show it to you now.)
(approximately 20 x 32 cm - 7.9 x 12.6 inch)
I put the two pieces next to each other, so you can compare them.
They are very similar, but I like the one on the right (that I send to my
brother) the most! The colours and composition are more balanced, the
letters stand out more and the statue looks better on this piece than the
bigger head sculpture on the left… What do you think?
My thoughts last week were dominated by the imminent move of my son,
so I pictured him with wings on my weekly page…
The Chronicles of Marit – Week 42
(23 x 31 cm - 9.1 x 12.2 inch) (I transferred a photo of him onto the page, but it came out blur. I outlined the image with a black marker and coloured his clothes with Caran D'Ache crayons. It's hard to capture his expression with just one or two lines, so his face came out a bit 'weird'. To me it still looks like my son though!)
Now that a lot of work has been done and deadlines been met, I relaxed
yesterday by flipping through my stack of ‘National Geographics’.
Trying to find the creative flow I dearly missed in the last couple of weeks
– but trying not to force things – I decided to start easy. I cut out several
photos that pictured ‘earth’ and made this page in my grid journal.
Grid – Earth
15 x 15 cm - 6 x 6 inch
I have some inspiring ideas to work on this week, but I don’t know if I
get it all done. I plan to just take it easy and see what this week will bring.
I wish you all a nice week too!
I get a lot of spam lately, therefor I’ve added an additional operation for
visitors to the comment section… please be sure to cross the box saying
you are NOT a spammer!
Nou meid, geniet van je week, jezult vast heel veel leuke dingen doen en maken, al is het maar om je van de verhuizing van Nout af te leiden 😉
Lieve groetjes – Irma
I love that your Brother called you to give you that thanks and love for your art. My sisters are not my best cheerleaders when it comes to my art work but every once in a while they give me the recognition that I need from them, and that makes my heart feel so good.
I am in love with the piece with your son. I love his wings ! Remember that you are giving him is wings but you have also given him his roots which he will always be able to plant where he is. Big love and hugs to you, Beautiful Momma !
What a sweet brother!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the new pieces! I am LOVING the one for your son! That is WOW!! :):):):):):):):):):):)
What a nice thing to hear from your brother. I love both pieces equally. I am certain he is proud to have it. (My brother is my biggest fan as well.)
I will be thinking of you as you prepare for Nout’s departure.
I agree with your analysis of the two side by side! How sweet that he appreciates your work so much!!!!
Everything is fantastic!!!
how nice of your brother to call you! I love your pages. I’m thinking of doing something like what it seems you’re doing with the “Chronicles of Merit”. Is it a weekly art journal entry? I want to do that next year, I think. I did something similar back in 2002 (it wasn’t weekly, but it was kind of an art journal more journal) and looking back, I love it. I’m doing digital project life this year and it isn’t capturing as much personality, but seems to be more work and less creativity. I really like that page you did for it. Really nice.
Fabulous work as usual
How cool of your brother to give you a phone call and comment about your art!!! I’m sure that he loves his B’day gift!!! It’s fantastic!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
both Pink Floyd pages you created are super… I think the statue on the right appeals to me a little more…but the one on the left is filled with mystery 🙂
hard giving our children wings…but it must happen for them to soar eh
we are flying tomorrow to the west coast of the US for our nephew’s wedding … almost 3,000 miles away … taking some time by the Pacific Ocean
be well my friend
oh and I think your brother is very special to communicate so sweetly…but that’s no surprise because you and he are related 🙂
Wat een fantastische “chronicles” bladzijde!!! Ben er wég van!! En dat de transfer niet helemaal gelukt is maakt niks uit, misschien nog wel mooier zo…!!
Ik vind je tweede “hey you” ook mooier dan de eerste. Op de eerste is de foto naar mijn smaak wat te donker en ben het met je eens dat op de tweede de letters mooier uitkomen. Rick is er vast superblij mee!!!
Je grid mag dan een “easy one” zijn… het ziet er wel prachtig uit hoor!!
Lovely that your brother loved the art you sent him! I think both pages are really good.
I am glad you have a little more “you” time and I know how anxious you must be about Nout. However, at least you will know where he is and how he is, Marit… His wings will guide him back when he wishes. It’s all progress really isn’t it?
Love the grid-work… and Nat. Geo. mags too!
Hugs, xoxoxo
Wat leuk dat je broer zo blij was met je kunstwerk!! En terecht, het ziet er weer zo mooi uit! Die kleuren, echt prachtig.
Ik ben ook nog steeds op zoek naar ‘the creative flow’…. ;-( Het lukt gewoon niet. Daarom vind ik het zo knap van jou dat je tóch zulk mooi werk maakt, ondanks het missen van de juiste mojo…
Fijne week, Marit!!
Mooie dingen weer Marit en geweldig dat je je broer zo blij kon maken met wat oorspronkelijk een journal pagina was. Vind de grid ook er mooi.
very cool to see the two page side by side. imagine if we did all our journal pages twice – how much we would learn about ourselves and about balancing the page etc. etc. 🙂
Take care!
beautiful pages! love your color choices and the writing makes great texture, not to mention content. wonderful…
LOVE the compliment from your brother! How awesome is that!