Good morning lovely ones. I hope you slept well... we had major thunderstorms here last night with overwhelming sounds and a lot of lightning... fabulous to watch from the balcony! Today I woke up to a gray day: the atmosphere calmed down but thick clouds cover the skies. Ideal weather for me to … [Read more...]
Index Cards 26 – 33
OhMy, it is HOT in the Netherlands... we're not used to these temperatures (over 30 degrees Celsius) and I am glad my atelier is on the shadow-side of the building. It's the most coolest place in the apartment at the moment, lucky me! I created on index cards, still following the ICAD ("Index Card A … [Read more...]
Index Cards 20 – 25
I'm still working on ICAD ("Index Card A Day") daily, and I still dare myself to work strictly with the prompts Tammy "Daisy Yellow" provides. There's a reason I stick to the prompts: I want to force myself to work in different ways, break out of the 'what I normally do' routine and explore … [Read more...]
ICAD 2015: Index Cards 6-12
Today is Friday: a tropical day in the Netherlands and the weekend ahead. I'm looking forward to that because that means that the workmen outside our balcony will not be there... they make noise ever since we moved in (first the renovation of the buildings on the other side of the street and now … [Read more...]
ICAD 2015: Index Cards 1-5
I looked up my stack of Index Cards and decided to play along with ICAD ("Index Card A Day") - this annual event is facilitated by Daisy Yellow and although I might not create 61 cards in total, I like to have the stack of index cards on my table for a quick 'in between' scribble when I am not … [Read more...]