I didn’t have much time or desire to write a blogpost last month, so again there are photos of Chronicles art journal spreads waiting in a row to get published. Well, let’s do that now before I go out for lunch (my beloved and I have a ‘date’ ;D )
Week 20
A gelli-print background, leaflet in a pocket that I created from a piece of paper secured with washi tape, letter stickers for the “week”, a printed news-photo and writing with markers. To finish it off, I added some extra ocher/yellow chalk.
… text underneath the leaflet
Week 21
A simple spread: gelliprint background with a cut-out photo of a man (Joseph Beuys) and some handwritten text around the borders.
Week 22
The background of this spread is acrylic paint, the ‘months’ is a print from a photo I made of an old document that I was working on at the Zeeuws Archives. We had a staff trip with all the all colleagues from work to Rotterdam. There we had coffee with cake (sugar bag), went to a museum (ticket) and had lunch on a boat while cruising the harbor (photo). The illustration is cut out from an art magazine (detail from “Naming the money” by Hubaina Himid). Some stamping (bottom left and right) colored with markers and writing with a marker.
Week 23
Again an acrylic paint background. The border is made from cut-out pieces of paper and a photo at the bottom. The lady was cut out and given a different head. Also some stamping (date and ‘waves’ at the bottom right) and, oh yes, the week letters are stickers (I certainly still had enough ee’s!)
Week 24
I spread some color – left over paint from my palette – on the page and jotted down some ‘highlights’ from the news of this week because not much of note happened in my personal life.
Thanks for watching, have a lovely day.
Go do something nice, for example have lunch with a loved one.
Bon appetit!
Ziet er weer top uit Marit! En ik vind het dan wel leuk dat je er een paar tegelijk post :). Liefs uit Tilboland. X