Hi there lovelies, goodmorning! I write this post on Tuesday and schedule it because I will spend today with my mum. We will go into town, drink coffee, eat lunch, talk, laugh and do some shopping while my ‘King of the Castle’ holds the fort.
So here’s the desk how it looked on Tuesday afternoon and it’s rather messy (for me that is, I bet you all find it ‘neat’ as always ๐ ) I’m in the middle of making collages and spend all morning flipping through magazines and cutting out images. The collage should come together rather quickly now…
See that paper scrap laying on my desk to test paints and pens? Suddenly my eye fell on a paint spot and I saw a little bird.. it just needed an eye and a beak… see how cute it is?!
I will probably cut it out and glue it in my art journal.
I finished Sashiko-embroidering the jeans for my son last week, here’s a photo of the finished pants. I am happy with how it looks and I think hope he will like it too.ย Next up is altering my own jeans jacket (I plan to use more color there!)
On to the drawings then, yes – I’m still drawing ‘something’ once a week. Here’s a drawing I made with the EDM challenge Draw a bit of organized chaos (messy desk, table with books etc.) I had my scissors laying on my desk and I thought it would be a quick and easy drawing… boy was I wrong!!! It was really difficult to get the size and perspective right. At one point I called it ‘done’ but it is far from good…
… so I journaled around it that this drawing should be a WARNING (waarschuwing) to not think something is easy to do, to take the TIME (tijd) and to LOOK (kijken) real closely.
On Saturday I taught a workshop ‘Zetti collage’ to a lovely little group of ladies… it was such a nice, cozy, intimate and creative day with beautiful results I just have to show you some pictures!
Here’s the ladies flipping through magazines and cutting images…
… and these were the results!
Made by Marie
Made by Melo
Made by Sandra
I wave goodbye with one last Zetti on a letter I wrote to my friend Jenny last week (the letter was for her so I blur the text.)
And that’s it for now sweeties, this blogpost is long enough as it is (sorry Julia!) Have a great, sunny, Autumn day. Spend it well. Go shopping (preferably with a loved one.)
Gosh you have been busy, love the brain that can use a splodge of ink to make a bird, such a talent.
And the embroidery is sensational, well done and thanks for sharing, I looked it up on Pinterest a and was smitten, can see many wasted minutes ahead, scrolling through the entries and drooling.
And boy, was Jenny happy and proud with her Zetti-letter!!!!
I always love seeing what you get up to! The jeans are fantastic, I love the subtle patterns and colours there. I’ve got other things first on my list of makes, am hoping to get round to my sashiko at some point!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
Happy WOYWW xx Jan (14)
Hi Marit, great post, love the Zettis! Thoroughly enjoyed our visit to your country last week. Had a fab time. Love the bird! What a great spot that was. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X
Those jeans look fantastic! Can I order one too? ๐
I loved the Zetti workshop, thanks again for a lovely day!
I love the jeans, your son simply MUST too! ๐ And very cool zeti-figures, how fun to work together with a group like that.
Love, love, LOVE Zetti!!! All of the finished pieces were SO cool! And I especially like the letter you wrote. I used to do this all the time, I have journals full of it! But then we get on to other things. . . I should get back to it. And I do like your once a week drawing commitment, I should definitely join you in that one! I have the list printed out somewhere. I think I stopped doing it because I was trying for once day, which just didn’t work. Happy fall, have a great week, Lindart #21
the finished jeans look great, the class results are fantastic and so is your own drawing. Hope you’ve had a great time with your Mum. Helen #7
I love the Zettis – it is not something I have ever tried, but am now inspired to do so. The jeans are fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day. God Bless. Caro x (#23)
Hi Marit, I am so jealous of your little group as it’s so lovely to have people to craft with. Great post my friend. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x16x
Lovely post Marit! I hope you’ve had a lovely day of coffee and shopping and laughing with your Mum, how precious. I love that you’ve actually left your desk looking like that, it’s unusual. I think I would like to do one of your workshops, as we’ve said before it would certainly help me not to become distracted by magazine content! Your ladies were very successful! Your Shashiko looks great. I am really looking forward to the colour you use on your jean jacket!
Love the collage work from your workshop Marit. You must be a great teacher. You will be getting commissions for more jeans from your son’s friends soon no doubt, they are fabulous. Hope you had a nice day out with your mum. Sarah #2
Oooh looks fantastic. Can not wait to try on the jeans. And the workshop looked like fun ๐
Wow, those jeans are fabulous – I bet your son will love them. The Zetti’s are great too and glad your workshop went well. Hope you have a great week,
Diana x ’13
Wow! your post today is almost a tutorial for zetti, love it.
have a good week
Christine #22
Those jeans are a work of art Marit!!
Love the results from the class, happy ladies indeed just like Jenny with her received Zetti letter, most marvellous.
Hope you had a lovely day with your Mum.
Wishing you a beautiful creative week ahead Tracey #4
How wonderful to have a friend like you who sends letters like that one. Love it! Am sure Jenny really looks forward to mail arriving from you.
Your ladies class did some amazing pages too, you must be a good tutor for them to produce such lovely work.
Then there is your Sashiko – your son will love showing his jeans off to his friends I am sure.
Your drawing is fine and I love the lettering you do, it is plain to see you have a talent when it comes to using pencil – lovely strokes of the graphite.
Hugs – a very late Neet 27 xx
Hi Marit. Love the accidental bird! hope you will find a way to use him – definitely a him even though he’s pink!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1