On Fridays we gather
as diverse as spring flowers
always reaching towards the light.
Stripping off the superfluous
to embrace the barest essence of expression.
We visit each other with a vengeance
leave comments with a passion
and lie in wait for the next Friday
to bloom all over again.
~ Rebecca Brooks ~
Rebecca hosts Haiku my Heart Friday and when I discovered this circle
of Haiku-lovers and joined in with a haiku every week, the participants
embraced me with all their kindness and love.
Every week, I look forward to Friday
Thank you Rebecca!
Boulevard – Vlissingen
Het water weet nog hoe het er uitzag toen men bescheiden woonde |
Boulevard – Vlissingen
The water still knows what the town scape once looked like when men lived humble |
I have more art to share…
I usually show my weekly art journal on my blog earlier in the week, but
last week was overly busy and stressful and I didn’t finish the pages until
Wednesday – here it is:
(click on each image to enlarge for a better view)
The Chronicles of Marit 2012 – Week 16
(Size: 24,5 x 49 cm – 9.65 x 14.86 inch)
There was so much going on in Week 16 – with FEATURING magazine
being printed and published and the weekend that I spend with my mom
at a poetry festival – that I needed more space to document it all.
I made a pocket of an transparent document protector and taped it
in between pages as an extra. You can see it on the right. It holds notes
that we asked our neighbours to make. We gave both neighbours a copy
of FEATURING and asked them to give feedback on the magazine.
The ladies ‘did their homework’ and I was very happy with their comments
and praise!
The pocket also holds a small book (not visible on the photo) with poems
and names of poets that speeched at the festival. The diner on Saturday night
was very nice – we sat with all children’s poets on a big table. I know most of
them from former festivals and it was pleasant to meet them again and chat
with each other. One of the poets had his text printed on paper place-mats
which the diner was served on, and he signed it for all the other poets.
I folded mine so that it would fit in the pocket. For the Dutchies: the website
and blog of this writer/poet are worth a visit: Ted van Lieshout
Some of you remember the book with templates that my friend Lena send
me (see former post.) I just couldn’t resist playing with one of the templates.
It was quite difficult to choose (they are all gorgeous!) but when I came
across the the image of a record player I choose to use that with a left over
‘Eels’ affiche/photo transfer and made a page in my ‘Album Cover Journal.’
Album Cover Journal – Eels
(Size: approximately 30 x 27 cm – 12 x 10.5 inch)
I think it’s one happy and bright page and it makes me wanna put on
that record and dance!
I have all reasons to dance: I got emails from the UK and the USA that
FEATURING magazine arrived at the customers homes. My baby has
stepped into the wide world and I hope he’s making it there.
I wish you all a happy weekend.
Whatever colour you may like – orange… red… purple… pink –
make sure to colour your days bright and enjoy life!
Cathy says
I anticipate Fridays as well. Such a joy to read and digest the glorious words in print! And when I’m not able to visit I feel something is missing! Haave a wonderful weekend!
spadoman says
I love the haiku first of all. It is really what has happened to the landscape. Bricks, mortar and shell, pavement and automobiles.m Yes, the water does remember. Nature is still the Queen of it all.
I have seen Featured magazine on line. I wish you the best with it. There is so much to read about and peruse. I love the submissions page and might try my hand. Maybe a subscription after this busy summer I have planned.
Your art work is cool. I like the brightly colored pages too! Leaving soon for a long road trip. I’ll be in and out and not sure about Haiku the next few weeks. If I don’t get around to the blogs, I know I will miss you and the others. Then again, “The windshield is my yoga” J. Spado
Much Peace
Julie Tucker-Wolek says
I loveeeeeeeeeee the journal pages this week!! LOVING all the PINK!!!!
Anthony North says
Deep words in the haiku. Excellent.
rebecca says
dear marit,
thank you for your very kind words. they serve well to invite others to our friday gathering, i appreciate your bright and warm invitation.
your haiku is thought provoking. i often try to visualize how a valley, mountain, field, coastline once looked before the encroachment of mankind. i strive to live simply, and in harmony with nature.
Kim Mailhot says
I love the haiku so much ! Oh, to imagine all that coast line has witnessed ! Wow !
A millions congrats on the launch of your baby !!! I know the stress will be so worth it as it sprends its creative message all around the world !
Have a great weekend, Brilliant One !
somepinkflowers says
this —->
~~when men lived humble~~
Ashley Rock says
great journal pages— love it
Merrick says
Lovely phot of the city! wonderful pages in your art journal! thanks for sharing!
Annemarie says
I guess I better check my mail
Lenora says
oh so true – very well written! poignant here as developers work to change our lovely village – sigh..
Carol says
Very contemplative haiku ~ love your art and received copy of your new mag ~ love it ~ will enjoy it tonight ~ thanks, namaste ^_^
Stephanie says
…great pages and awesome FEATURING. I received my magazine yesterday. Wohoo, great!
maja60 says
Mooie haiku en art journal pagina’s! Mooie vrolijke kleuren, dat komt waarschijnlijk door je stemming. Featuring lag vanmiddag op de mat! Ik heb het even snel door gebladerd en je hebt alle reden om trots te zijn! Ik weet wat ik dit weekend ga doen……
Laura Hegfield says
beautiful journal pages and a thoughtful haiku.
Libby says
Hi Marit!
These are really cool, and inspire me to try something like this!
It must have been great to hang out with all the poets 🙂
peggy gatto says
wonderful haiku!!!
And I received my beautiful first issue of your Featuring !!!!
I love it and am reading…..
magicalmysticalteacher says
Does water ever forget?
Sniffing Temptation
Fran aka Redondowriter says
Yes, the water still knows. I think that about the Pacific Ocean by my house and the changes it has seen over the centuries. I’m so glad your magazine is receiving kudos and I love your art journal pages, too.
Lindsay Drya says
I’ve never visited Vlissingen (only Scheveningen) but it looks so beautiful there! I like the idea of pockets in the art journal… 🙂 your visual journal pages are so inspiring. Also congrats with Featuring! It’s worth a celebration!!
Prettig weekend! 🙂
Lea says
I am finally sitting at the airport and making my way through our haiku circle. When I clicked on your link I got goosebumps. It is like Christmas coming, being here, watching that cyber wheel turn that takes me to your pages and your world of art and writing… I love the haiku, the shore remembering… I’m dancing with you Marit and this beauty you eminate! Soon! XO
Mirjamc says
mooie haiku en art journals…en wauw de album cover journal…wat een prachtige kleuren en gaaf met de sjabloon!!!
Carolyn Dube says
Your journal is fabulous! Thank you for sharing!
Hermine says
Prachtige pagina’s!! En heerlijke kleurencombinatie van dat roze, rood, oranje
Marla says
i love so much your art-journal!!