… in Autumn.
Ga mee naar Schotland
dan wandelen we nog eens langs ‘Water of Leith’ |
Let’s go to Scotland
and stroll along the river Like we did before
(Written for Haiku my Heart Friday - list of today's participants here)
or… even better…
Let’s hop one island further and go to Ireland.
We could visit the Belfast festival at Queens.
See ‘Van the Man‘ in concert.
OH MAN… if only…
but I am home.
That’s nice too.
I will play with paint and brushes
this weekend.
And I will dream.
I might even put on a CD
and think of you, dear blog readers.
‘Have I told you lately that I love you?’
Oh, how I want..but can’t afford.. well some time.. Thanks Marit..that’s a wonderful feeling..
to be loved..yes..
This is a gorgeous photo. I love the reflection in the water!
Dreams? I have been dreaming of being on the road and finding myself in strange as well as familiar places. Now that I am grounded a while and Winter is approaching, I really feel the wanderlust to do nothing more than experience weather and seasonal culinary delights from other regions of my own country.
Keep traveling in your dreams, my friend. And take all the time you need.
Oooooh, ik wil óók!
I love you too!! And I’d like to go to Ireland also!!! 🙂
Planning a trip, if only a dream trip, can be a trip too! Lovely photo and words. Keep dreaming
I’ve wanted to see Scotland for years – the rugged countryside, the islands, the men in kilts and maybe a Selkie or 2!
enjoy your day of play… right where you are.
like i did before!
so thank you greatly
for taking me back…
lovely photo & inviting haiku.
water reflection
is part of my haiku photo
this morning,
as well…
to look Down
and see the sky
is magic …
i suffer badly
with wanderlust,
should i say
i suffer pleasantly
with wanderlust …
I’ll meet you there down by the river.
lovely wishful haiku ~ enjoy ~ ( A Creative Harbor) ^_^
You haiku is like a song Marit :]
I got my “Featured” magazine in the mail…what an indulgent delight! ♥
A most worthwhile pursuit.
I will go anywhere with you! I love this haiku and the picture draws me in and over and through to dreamland with you! Have a beautiful weekend Marit! XO
that photo is breathtaking!!
I think that is the best thing about our imaginations and our artist minds – we can travel wherever we want to without ever having to leave home ! 😉
It’s a marvelous night for a sliver of a moon dance…
Much love to you, Creative One !
Wonderful!!!!!! dream on!!!
JAAAAA… lijkt me echt geweldig om nog een keertje terug te gaan naar Schotland!!
Onderweg naar Leslies Place lopen we langs ‘The Water of Leith’… ‘t Is alweer lang geleden maar zoals men zegt; ‘gelukkig hebben we de foto’s nog’ !!!!!! Deze is echt prachtig!!
Fijn, creatief weekend toegewenst!!
This is lovely…enjoyed much.
Beautiful poem 🙂
when you put down those paint brushes and get over to Ireland let me know perhaps we could rendezvous? x
What a beautiful photo, and a great idea!
Marit, your amazing posts always feed my creative soul with inspiration! I’ve a lot of catching up to do, My Friend! Having read this post, I find myself dreaming of verdant green fields and sparkling still waters. Such a beautiful way to begin my day!
I just dusted the cobwebs away from my blog and had to stop by to say “hello” and see what you were up to. I’m soooo happy that I did! Hugs, Terri ♥
Oh to dream of wandering! So pleasant!
Hallo Marit, hoe gaat het met je? Hier alles goed hoor. Druk met mijn nieuwe dagelijkse haiku meme Carpe Diem.
Wat een mooie haiku al moet ik eerlijk zeggen dat ik de Engelse versie mooier vindt dan de Nederlandse vertaling, maar dat is wellicht persoonlijk.
What a wonderful haiku Marit, it’s so romantic … walking along the river with the one you love.
I would so love to go!!