Riikka’s ‘Creative Christmas Calendar’ is in full swing –
every day she opens a ‘window’ on her blog Paperiliitin.
Today is day eleven…
… and guess who was behind it?
Yep, that’s right, MOI!
I wrote a tutorial about personal writing and also show a fun way
to get the journaling in a nice, creative way on your art journal page.
Here’s a sneak
To read the full tutorial, hop on over to window 11 on Paperiliitin
Today is a special day ’cause
I expect FEATURING (issue 3)
to come from the printer’s office!
I cannot wait to hold a printed
copy in my hand! It might be
late in the afternoon before they
drop the boxes off – I will probably
be nervous all afternoon, hoping
nothing goes wrong (all kinds of
images on what CAN go wrong
come to mind now… eeeck…
I better not think about it!)
Anyway, the plan is to get
the first load of orders
shipped tomorrow – so if you
have not ordered your copy yet
and want to be in that first
shipping… ORDER IT NOW!
If the postal service isn’t too slow you might have the magazine delivered
at your place before Christmas!
You know what happens the week after
Christmas, don’t you? I would be delight-
ed if you played along with my Creative
and Musical top 2000 party! Have you
scrolled through the top 2000 list yet
to find your fave songs to create with?
I challenged myself this year to come up with a different approach: I pick songs that have a special or fun memory attached to it – the song itself does not have to be my fave. I came to the conclusion that when I pick songs this way, there are in fact a lot of dull songs that raise memories. I almost changed my mind when I saw that, it was quite a hurdle I had to take to go create with ‘weird’ or dull songs – but I challenged myself to get over it and already made the first piece. I have to giggle every time I see that page now… the song is so absurd and the memory is so nice! I’m glad I choose the songs this way after all.
Oh, and some other artists also submitted their pieces already.
I hope you will join us! See this post for all the details.
In the New Year, when everything is back to normal and you are settled into your daily routine, days may seem long, cold and grey. We all know how that is… Spring will not be there for another two Months or so and you could do with some energy and inspiration.
Well, Michelle LaPoint Rydell and I will take care of that! The online art journal workshop Mixed Emotions starts on February 4, 2013. Do yourself a favour and join us in the coldest, greyest Months of the year – we will warm us on creativity and inspiration in the workshop community then!
The morning is coming to an end in the Netherlands… the sun is shining, there’s no ice on the road (that means the truck bringing the printed FEATURING magazines will not likely slide from an icy road 😉 ) and I better start working on something creative right now to distract my mind and make time move faster. I hope you all have a lovely week!
Riikka says
Thank you so much for being part of the Calendar!
I’m just doing a project for the Musical Blog Party!
Sandra says
Leuk bijdrage aan Riikka’s kalender, Marit! Maar wat een werk maak jij er van zeg, om je tekst op de pagina te krijgen. Het resultaat is er overigens wel naar hoor! Prachtige pagina is het geworden!
Caatje says
Ooh, spannend! Alweer een derde nummer. Wat gaat de tijd idioot snel. Ik heb nog niet eens het tweede nummer uit (Ik loop zó achter met mijn tijdschriften en de stapel groeit maar), maar ga toch binnenkort maar het derde bestellen. Beter mee verlegen dan om verlegen, toch? 😉 Hopelijk zijn jullie binnen afzienbare tijd in staat om er abonnementen van te verkopen, ik denk dat heel veel mensen daar blij mee zouden zijn.
Cheryl's Excellent Adventure says
I love your blue page with the 3 glass balls. I read on the other blog how you managed to shorten your story to fit on your lines. Very well done.
Keshet Starr says
Wow, very cool!
Merrick says
Love it!
~*~ Patty says
Congratulations on “birthing” another FEATURING “baby” dear Marit…I can only imagine how the whole process feels and know that this issue will be brilliant too!
Off to check out your links
Happy December dear one
Jenneke says
Nou, het is nu 23.25 uur…..ik hoop voor je dat je wachten niet tevergeefs geweest is en dat ‘je nieuwe kindje helemaal gaaf ter wereld is gekomen’ ;-)!
En nu ga ik even kijken wat er achter nummer 11 verstopt zat..