Yesterday was the opening of the exhibiton Een bunder tijd at Een bunder kunst in ’s-Heer Arendskerke. “Een bunder kunst” means ‘an acre of art’ and that’s what it is: an acre of beautiful nature where art is exposed. Also, the foundation “Een bunder kunst” received a price of the Cultural Council of the municipality Goes. There’s an article about that in today’s newspaper (PZC.)
In addition to the works of art that are exhibited outdoor, there’s a group-exhibition and I am one of the artists that participated this year. The group-exhibition had the theme TIME and all participants received a wooden niche to ‘create a Time-niche’ in their own way. The niches are exhibited in this tent (a ‘yurt-like’ construction)
Here’s a photo of the inside showing part of those niches.
It was nice to see what all the other participants did with their niche… I took photo’s of each niche but I will not post all those pics. It would make for a long blogpost and besides that, I don’t know the names of the artists to go with each niche. If you’re really curious to see them all up close you have to visit the exhibition (it’s free.) Here is the list of names of the artists who created a Tijdnis (‘time niche.)
… I show you mine!
You want a bit of an explanation I guess? Well, the background shows all kinds of pieces/pages from my diaries from 1975 ’till now – it was not an easy task to dive into my old diaries and read about “the good, the bad and the ugly” I experienced throughout the years but I had to do it to make a choice. I then scanned and printed pages from significant years/events. I painted the niche and transferred the diary-pieces onto it. I mirrored some pages so the texts aren’t alway easy to read. The ‘house on sticks’ is made of paper representing the fact that “I live in my diaries” and/or “time may pass but I always am at home on paper”. There’s a little book laying in the niche… it’s a tiny art journal representing my diaries and my art.
Here’s a close up of the tiny journal (it’s 5 x 7 cm – approximately 2 x 2.75 inch)
If you are in the neighbourhood I recommend you visit the place.
It’s such a special place to spend some time in nature and also see art.
The exhibition is open during 4 weekends on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 25 to September 16, 2018.
Jenny says
Wat een inspirerend thema, een bijzondere locatie en wat een mooi werk Marit. ik kan me helemaal voorstellen hoe je verdwaald raakt in je verleden als je in oude dagboeken leest. Vind jouw nisje heel uitnodigend er uit zien. x Jenny