I’m up in the air by now, flying high!!!
This was such a fun week, and here’s my third blogpost to ‘close it’.
I saved the best for last… so let’s see what makes me so exuberant.
For one:
The best Summer Camp you’ve ever seen will open its doors this Summer!
You can read all the info on Marit’s Paper World
(For the Dutchies – click the language button in the top menu
on the website to read the Dutch version)
For two:
I have two posts online today!
Yep, that’s right – TWO blogposts!
You can read my guest blogpost
From Scrapbooking to Art Journaling
on the site of Art Journal Every Day.
For three:
I made PennyLane from songs in my heART very happy with this page.
Songs of the heART is a place for artists to display their artwork
inspired by music. ATC’s, paintings, photography – all are welcome.
New art and inspirations will be posted as received. There are no
deadlines and perhaps, an occasional prompt, but other than that
you are free to be inspired by the songs in your heART!
My art journal page was inspired by a song from the Eels: “I’m a hummingbird”
If you have an art piece that is inspired by music: send it to PennyLane!
She wants the site to be versatile – not only post her own art – and she will
be thrilled to get more submissions, so help her out a bit please!
And last but not least: another ‘big journal page’.
I got inspired by iHanna, who had a blogpost about ‘collecting colours’
on the Art Journal Every Day blog last week. I gave it my own twist though.
I find myself journaling in Dutch lately… it keeps me much more
concentrated on the text and I can use ‘my own words’ more.
But I translate it for you:
India, land of color and noise. I had to think back on India when I
flipped through old National Geographic magazines and came across
some pictures. India – the mixture of heat and smell. Especially that.
But let’s not forget the people. Dirty and happy. Always inspiring.
They laugh at everything. At me, as a Western tourist, and with me.
I felt like an alien when I arrived in that country, but soon I found myself
embraced by a group of children, laughing and joking. India to me
is red. The red of passion. Fire and life. And ofcourse the red of Paan*.
* Most of us don’t know “Paan”.
I didn’t know either – until it scared the hell out of me in India!
First – the explanation from Wikipedia:
Paan, from the word pān is an Indian/Pakistani and South East Asian
tradition of chewing betel leaf (Piper betle) with areca nut and slaked lime
paste. There are many regional and local variations. It is a Piper betle leave
chew, chewed as a palate cleanser, a breath freshener, and for digestive
purposes as well. It is offered to guests and visitors as a sign of hospitality
(after meals at both personal and social occasions) and at the beginning of
social events. It has a symbolic value at ceremonies and cultural events
in India and southeast Asia.
Yeh, right. But I didn’t know that.
So what I saw was people looking like this
Photo made by Steve Saba
Looks like he’s bleeding, isn’t it?
And then they spit it out…
So I found myself surrounded by “blood spitting people”
I really thought they all suffered from a fatal disease or something…
but how could that be? There were so much!
I learned that this was ‘Paan’ pretty soon 😀
(And no, I didn’t try it myself)
Aaahhh, that was ‘long ago and far away’ (1989 and 1991) but working
on this journal page brought it all back!
The sun is shining today.
The city where I live will soon burst out into one big, noisy feast –
it’s “Carnaval”. I’m originally from another region, and I don’t
celebrate carnaval. In fact: I hate it!
But never mind – I will stay inside the house and celebrate
my own, private party. Paper – paint and lots of colours! Yeay!
Whatever YOU will be doing: enjoy the weekend!
i love your summer camp idea!!!! can’t wait!!! and your hummingbird is amazing!!! and the eyes on your red woman – wow! enjoy your own carnival celebration. i’d rather stay inside and play with paper too.
Ooohhh Marit, wat gaaf! Van harte, joh! Je hebt het echt verdient zo in de spotlight te staan! Ik begrijp helemaal, dat je met je hoofd in de wolken loopt!
Hele zonnige groetjes – Irma
Your page is AWESOME! I loveeeeeeeeee all the red!!! And saw the ATC over on Penny’s…very cool!! LOVE IT!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Loved your post on Julie’s blog. I, too, am a journal writer who has moved from journaling to scrapbooking to art journals. What a journey! Thanks for sharing yours.
Tons of awesomeness Marit! Congrats on the AJED post – it’s fabulous, and so are your latest pages!!!
looks to me like every day is a celebration for you dear art sister
always great hearing about your India adventures 🙂 and how you translate it all into your art…brilliant!
my world still has lots of blue in it…the sun is shining…the sky is blue…
happy weekend to you and yours dear one!
Congrats on the guest post and all the other fun things going on this week. Happy Friday! 🙂
Thanks Marit for the extra push!! ♥♥
Love your pieces 🙂
Gave pagina’s! ik heb best wel eea aan werk waarbij ik muziektitels of -teksten heb gebruikt, zal eens een kijkje nemen op die site!
Learned something new today! Never heard of Paan.
glad you have had a good week..hope you have a good weekend too
What amazing amazing art journaling pages! So very cool.
Beautiful, vibrant, joyful pages, Marit! You ARE having a Carnivale celebration in your studio! So interesting to read about India and Panne! I’d have thought they were bleeding too!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri xoxo
Does Paan also give people that strange look in their eyes like this blood spitting boy ? Strange creatures, we humans!
Love your weird hummingbird page ! Awesome and your celebration of Rood !
This has been quite the week for you, Marit ! Enjoy your paper celebration !
Ps : Thanks for the sweet blog love today. It felt like a hug from a good friend.
Wow, jij hebt echt talent! Wat kun jij mooi schrijven. Je slokt me helemaal op in je verhaal. Tot het tot mijn teleurstelling weer eindigt. Bravo!
Om even terug te komen op je reacties op mijn blog: weet je zeker dat je een herfsttype bent? Zo ja, dan zou ik zeker eens rondkijken naar legergroen. Als je het niet zeker weet adviseer ik je een keer langs te gaan bij een kleurenconsulent. Als je nog even geduld hebt: 31 mei haal ik mijn diploma 🙂
Love your AJED-post!!! I was once a diary writer… and I loved those small Chinese (?) books that I can see in your plastic container. And the schoolagenda’s!!! So cool to see your journey to were you are now!
Congrats! how exciting and I will be sure to check out those blogs. How fascinating to find out that you have been to India – I have devoured books and movies about India but have never been there – and probably will never be able to – but I loved reading your English translation of your journaling. Have a great weekend!
Wat heb je weer prachtig werk gemaakt meis!
Die met die “vogel”… Prachtig hoe je die blaadjes als vleugels hebt gebruikt en die echte pauwenveer als staart!
De ROOD layout is mijn favoriet van deze post!!! Maar da’s niet zo gek natuurlijk… je hebt mijn favoriete kleur, techniek (collage) en materiaal (puffy paint) gebruikt!!!
Ik ben “overgehopt” naar je andere blogpost en ik vond het heel leuk om in het kort je “carrieregang” te lezen!!! GEFELICITEERD overigens met dit guest designerschap!!!
Summer camp! For grownups… how cool is that!
Love your pages – they really come alive for me!
I’m working on something for you, I won’t say just yet. Give me a week to see how far I get!! I think that journalling in your own language is brilliant – it makes perfect sense to me. You are never lost for just the right word then, are you?
Loved your comment about 6 pairs of hands… I’d burn out in a month I think! xx
Yes Marit I did have to give him permission to access my computer so I should be ok! Thank goodness! haha Love your art journal pages and I still can’t get the image of that crazed paan boy out of my mind!! haha WTH?? That must have been such a bizarre thing to see, all these people with “bloody” mouths spitting!!!
Tjonge Marit, wat een indrukwekkende post is dit weer!
Ik verheug me al op je zomerkamp, lijkt me supergezellig!
En wat is je Rood-layout schitterend zeg! Geweldig, met al die verschillende tinten rood!
Ik vind je guest-post bij Julie hé-le-maal top. Ben hartstikke trots op je!
Wonderful, wonderful news!! I am so happy for you!! Good things all around! I got the newsletter about your summer camp, well done my friend!
I too got a LOT of inspiration on Julie’s color post. On my blog today, I have all the color samples I got yesterday at the home improvement store. I LOVE the ideas from both Julie and iHanna. I am going to start a color book, and dive really into color. It is ver interesting to me. My first color page will be up on “Art Journal Wednesday” this week!!
Je geweldige guest designer post bij Julie had ik al gelezen! Hartstikke leuk voor je, gefeliciteerd! Super artjournals weer. Vooral de rode! En ik heb weer iets geleerd, ik had nl nog nooit gehoord van paan. Het ziet er vreemd uit ja zo’n rode mond. Grappige foto don’t spit here. En de hummingbird WOw! Leuk blog trouwens.
great post over at Julie’s blog, and love your journaling style. the hummingbird page is awesome (love her tummy). so glad my post inspired you to make that red page, it is awesome and the story of India interesting to know.
take care!