Good morning, my creative online friends and deskers and good morning to every passer-by who stumbled upon my blog today. You want to see where I make art? You want to know what I’m up to these days? Come on in, I’ll show you.
There’s two half-finished art journals on my desk. That’s not my usual way of creating but yesterday it somehow worked, as I was at the computer writing a Quirky post and every time my mind wandered off the topic, I turned my chair and ‘did something’ in my journals.
The journal on the left is my ‘Chronicles’ art journal and last week you could see it on my desk while I was working on a spread for week 26. That one is finished now.
The Chronicles of Marit 2019 – Week 26
Next is my ‘Soul from Zeeland’ journal. Months ago I created the background for this ‘spread’ (actually this are three pages, you can fold the part on the right and when you do, the next page will be visible and works with the left page of this spread… sounds confusing? I’ll show you how it looks when I finish the next pages.) Last week I gave this spread it’s final touches.
Voor altijd naar huis (Forever going home)
Because I spend most of the past days at the computer, typing, I will keep this blogpost short. This is it, from me, today, but if you like to see more artsy desks, hop on over to Julia’s blog where you can find the link-list with all other ‘deskers’ to visit. You can even join in yourself if you want to… I assure you it will be fun! Thanks for your visit, enjoy your day.
Oh lovely Marit, I think you are fully back in the mood for chronicles and pages! Lovely pages, my word there’s a lot of writing in the Soul From Zealand page! Keep meaning to congratulate you o. quirky Dutch Summer, what a feat , so much work, and such fab art!
You are a multi tasking queen! Loving your journals as always, so colourful and interesting to explore xx
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
Loving the chronicles. always so much to look at. Helen #6
There’s always so much to look at on your pages, Marit! I really like that face in the journal open on your desk and all the lettering and journalling in the last one. Happy Quirky Summer! zsuzsa #23
Hi Marit, what an amazing Chronicles set of pages! Looks incredibly detailed. Eyes have cleared enough to be able to type now,lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X
I so love looking at your journals they are so full of detail and inspiring too. I can understand you working on the pages a bit at a time. I don’t think I have ever managed to complete a journal page all in one go. I tend to see an image in a magazine or a stamp that I like and either attach it to a page or pin it in until I get an inspiration of how I might use it though I do seem to have more half finished pages than completed ones. Oh well there you go! Wishing you a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x13x
Your journal pages are gorgeous – so much interesting detail to look at and I love your choice of images.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana x #18
Wow Marit glad to see you are back in the swing of Chronicles and journaling again. Love the 3 page spread in particular. Happy WOYWW Sarah #2
I so love your journals – they are wonderfully unique and beautiful. Have a great week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)
Your art journal pages are fascinating. I had a lot of writing to do this week, so I relate to the going back and forth between writing and artwork. Happy belated WOYWW!
I could just sit all day looking at your chronicles and flicking through that journal, you do create amzing pages with ease Marit. Beautiful post inbetween QDS write ups, you are am amazingly talented lady.
Happy belated WoywW, I’m so late this week but life just kept putting up hurdles… but i’m here now.
Sending creative hugs your way Tracey xx