Goodmorning lovelies!
It’s been a while, life is pretty busy at the moment which leaves me with little time to blog (or create.) However, I did a little something so I have two spreads to show you.
And there’s a haiku, inspired by the riots that took place in the Netherlands last week. (“inspired” is too much a nice word for it… “shocked” may be better.) Perhaps you have heard/seen about it? I could say a lot about those riots but I will not do that, that would be too much honor. I hope Holland will stay calm this weekend.
Friday haiku
Massaal schuimbekkend bestormen golven de kust. Het paalhoofd houdt stand. |
Waves assault the beach roaring, foaming at the mouth. The seawall holds up |
The photo is taken by Lena Schreijenberg
I submit this haiku to Recuerda Mi Corazon where our lovely hostess Rebecca brings us all together to share a haiku on Friday: Haiku my Heart
I managed to get two spreads done in my new Chronicles art journal. The first days of the year fell into a week that, according to the calender, belongs to 2020 and is called ‘week 53’ (I prefer to call it ‘week 0’ but I had already paint the title to this art journal page…)
The Chronicles of Marit 2021 – Week 53 (zero)
The year started with national ánd international news… the first vaccination in the Netherlands (January 6, pretty late as all surrounding countries in Europe started way earlier) and the Capitol riots.
The Chronicles of Marit 2021 – Week 1
There’s a lot of protest and violence in the world it seems. Try to stay positive y’all, and have a calm and relaxed weekend. Be healthy and safe!
Je t’embrasse
rebecca says
dear friend, welcome home to haiku my heart! yes to seawalls holding up! and yes to peaceful days and working together towards a kinder gentler world. i am deeply relieved that our country moved forward to choose hope, healing and heart. may this have a ripple effect in choosing love and humanity near and far. thank you for your light and kindness; an offering of compassion knows no boundaries. stay safe my friend and walk in the light of love. xo
Cathy Keller says
Wonderfully visual haiku. The tumult and harshness remind me that all is not well. . .the world needs to remember that sometimes the “seawall” will not hold up. Praying for peace everywhere. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Hazel says
Thank goodness for sea walls that hold up! Your art reflects a lot of what’s happening. I’ve been avoiding them on social media, but I think it’s great to be updated through art, thank you. I heard of the riots through someone I know on FB who teaches at Maastricht University. Keep safe.
judie says
I absolutely LOVE your haiku. It is so…real…so tactile…so perfect for the sea. And thank you for not giving violence the credit it seeks. Now if only the journalists could have that same attitude……….
A ShutterBug Explores says
Poignant and powerful haiku and awesome ocean photo ~ Your collage work is creative and wonderful!
Moment by Moment ~
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Lea says
Hello, my Zeeland friend! The ocean does have a lot to say… I hope we listen.
Thank you for sharing your artmaking and Lena’s photo to go with your haiku.
Sending love and hugs your way!
Magical Mystical Teacher says
Sometimes even a powerful seawall can be crumbled by powerful waves. Then it’s time to flee!
gillena says
oh that our faith may be as the seawall in these pandemic days
much love…
Mark says
Every life needs a “sea wall.”