It is Friday morning and just like last week, I have not only a haiku but also some art journal spreads to show you – and some more news. Read on…
in het ochtendlicht drijven, zomaar dobberen op het Veerse meer |
in the morning light floating, just slowly drifting on the Lake of Veere |
Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg
Next, my Chronicle spreads:
Week 31
Acrylic paint background, stamp (the ‘notepad stripes’) A border of cut off pieces of design paper and I drew the head on a cut-out body. The photo of the terrace comes from an old calendar and I wrote around it. The yellow ornaments here and there are made with a template/stencil through which I dabbed paint.
Week 32
Again an acrylic background (I can’t use gelliprints as a background too often because my art journal/book is bursting at the seams and can’t take much extra thickness…) Pictures from magazines and from the ‘junk box’. Text with marker all around.
Week 33
In week 33 a local man found a box with old photos in the attic of a family member. Photos of people from Zeeland (in traditional costume.) There was no information so he published the photos in a local group on Facebook and asked if anyone recognized those people… my BFF called me ’cause she thought she’d recognized someone on the photo and it indeed turned out that some of those people on the photos are my ancestors – I recognized my great-great-grandfather, great-grandmother and grandmother… the whole week was then dominated by old photos and email correspondence about family trees. There was also a lot of online response to the photo of my great-great-grandfather smoking “a joint” (it’s no weed though, in fact it’s a a stub of sigar in a cigarette holder…) and so this spread came to be dominated by this event. Background: old pieces of rolling paper with resen ink, weekly dates torn from an old calendar, photo printed out, arm with cigarette cut out and head added/painted together. The text says: … the fact that I smoke is a genetic issue
Today, the group exhibition – I am one of the artists – starts at GalerieGerritse.
The ‘grand opening’ is on Sunday and I’m looking forward to it.
You’re very welcome!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, have a fabulous weekend!
Wat een vondst Marit, foto’s van je overgrootouders! En dan nog paffend ook 😂
Altijd fijn om die vertrouwde kale mensjes in je spreads te zien opduiken. En heel veel succes op jullie expositie. Tot gauw.