Goodmorning lovely ones! Today is a warm Summerday in the Netherlands and although I stay at home (it’s way too crowdy on my island, tourists everywhere…) I wrote this haiku – or maybe I wrote it because I stay at home?
Friday haiku
Het is een dag om op een steiger te zitten. Zeilbootjes kijken. |
It’s a day to go sit on a jetty, watching the birds and the boats. |
The photo was taken by Lena Schreijenberg
I submit this haiku to Recuerda Mi Corazon where our lovely hostess Rebecca brings us all together to share a haiku on Friday: Haiku my Heart
In June, my friend Robert (in the USA) and I swapped ‘ephemera’ – he’s a collage artist (see his art here) and I use pieces of paper and images in my art journals all the time, so we thought it would be fun to send a ‘surprise package’ to each other. I received his package within two weeks but it took ages (6 weeks!) for my package to get to his place, and when it did it was heavily damaged… wrapped in plastic by the postal service to hold it all together.
After emailing back and forth, we found out that some of the things I’d send were lost in the mail including the card I made. Luckely, I took a photo before I send it.
So I created another little piece of art and – together with some new ephemera – brought it to the mail last week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this envelope makes it to the USA in one piece. And the new card I created for Robert? I took a photo, but he reads my blogposts (hi friend!) and I don’t want him to see it before he got ‘the real thing’.
Next are three ATC cards I created for my friend Melouise, who celebrated her birthday last week.
I know for sure she received it ’cause she posted a photo on Facebook stating: “Got nice birthday mail (…) fortunately I feel a lot livelier than the ladies on the cards.” I’m glad about that dear one!
… and now, I am going to sit in the sun and enjoy my little balcony (I re-arranged the plants, added some new ones – Lavender – and cleaned rigorously.) We live on the third floor so I can keep the right distance from people that walk through the little alley below 😉 I hope you have a nice day too – enjoy whatever you do and stay safe!
Je t’embrasse
I cannot think of a more wonderful way to spend a summer afternoon than to sit on the jetty and watch the birds and boats and listen to the water lapping. And your art is (smooch) wonderful!
I always love seeing your art Marit! I sent some mail to England and it took over six weeks to get there! So I’m hoping your friend gets that great card and soon! In the meantime… I am going to imagine sitting at the end of the jetty, with you and Lena and our toes in the water… Lots of love to you my friend!
Aw, peace and quiet, real tranquility! Thank you! Have a wonderful weekeknd!
to sit on the jetty beside you, our feet dangling in the water below-
Time to sit and watch is so important. Such time enriches the soul.
Thank you again for the fun birthday ATC’s. I love them and keep them next to my computer – pretty sure that I’ll start talking to them within a few weeks 🤪
Lovely haiku and art
stay safe
Too seldom do we busy humans take time to watch and wait. If we watched and waited more, I’m sure the world would be a more peaceful place.