Today, instead of a haiku, I present you a tanka
Belgische badplaats op een druilerige dag. Een vuilniskar haalt de laatste restanten op van een voorbije zomer. |
Belgium seaside resort on a drizzly autumn day. A loud garbage truck collects the last remains of a long gone summer season. |
I submit this haiku to Haiku my Heart
We humans do generate a lot of garbage. Surely there’s a better way!
Great use of the garbage truck for a metaphor os season change ~ and dynamic photo ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
the first time i took my very young son to a small garden preschool saying good bye was tender and hard. he held on to me so tightly and asked- “momma, is this going to be a long gone day?” oh it broke my heart to leave him, especially when i looked back to wave and reassure him how he stood pressed against the large window drinking in my image until i had to drive away. it was our first being away from each other. it was bittersweet. i’ll never forget that moment or his invention of the word “long gone”. xoxo