I’m hooked…
I bought this olive green
paint last week and since
then all my pages come
out green!
I used to be a yellow –
orange – red kinda person!
I don’t know what
happened but all of
a sudden I love this
colour so much.
Why analyse anyway…
I let go and make green pages!
A lot!
You are warned! ๐
This page isn’t green yet… I made it before I bought the paint!
It’s made for the new prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal
THE SONG: I Believe in Music – Mac Davis
Peace and leather led to the big peace sign!
21 x 19,5 cm - 8.3 x 7.7 inch
Used materials/techniques: acrylic paint, leather, sewing machine, sharpies, pearl pen (dimensional dots and border)
I have a lot of small pieces of leather in a box, and I stitched some of them
together. Just fooling around with the title and leather.
Here’s a close-up:
There’s a Dutch poem about peace (Leo Vroman – ‘Vrede’) and I used a line
from it (well, that’s not completely true: in the poem, the swearing is even
more harsh). I found it fitting to balance all the ‘cuteness’ on the page…
What are your thoughts about peace?
Do you think of the ‘sixties’ and flower power, like I did?
Are you tired of the world as it is today, with all the violence going on?
Throw it all out on an art journal page and leave a link to your work at
A Year in the Life of an Art Journal!
OK, here we go… here’s where the green comes in!
The recipe book I made for my son!
(‘Lekker’ย means something like ‘delicious’ or ‘Yummie’)
Here’s a pic of the side.
I love all the happy coloured papers that show in the spine!
I used old recipe cards as pages.
I sewed patterned paper on one side to punch the holes in.
(The black, canvas embellies/stickers are from 7 Gypsies.
The fabric protects the holes from tearing)
Next is a page in my big art journal.
(Again, I used the olive green paint but it turned out rather yellow looking.
I discovered differences can be made by using thicker or more layers.
This page was painted with a paint roller and coloured only once – that’s why
it’s light/yellowish)
(Miscellaneous big art journal: 25 x 35 cm - 9.8 x 13.8 inch) Used materials: Acrylic paint, Adirondack colorwash spray ink, Caran d'Ache Neocolor watersoluble crayons, Stazon ink, handcarved stamps, cut out image/text, Washi tape, sharpies, template (the head and 'signs)
This page grew from experimenting with my new template and Washi tape.
The journaling is ‘bladibla’ – about the green paint I bought; nothing deep
or fancy.
Last but not least… my weekly page
The Chronicles of Marit – Week 43
(23 x 31 cm - 9.1 x 12.2 inch) (Yep... olive green acrylic paint! The 'head' is made with my new template and Adirondack spray ink, Stamps & Stazon ink for the dates, cut out images (door and hummingbird), Washi tape, Copic markers, sharpies, black marker.)
I have more olive green pages and work to show but I think you’ve had
enough for now! Come back Friday and who knows; I might even trow in
an orange or red page?!
that is a lovely shade of green, I don’t blame you for getting carried away with it ๐
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that first one! WOW WOW WOW!!! That leather peace sign is AWESOME! WOW WOW WOW!! And loving the recipe book you made for your boy! That turned out GREAT! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Love that color too!!! How lucky is your son to receive such a fantastic recipe book – I think it is very cool that he likes to cook – my son isn’t much on cooking so I know that he eats take-away quite a bit. Love your journal pages as always. When I think of the concept of Peace, I usually think doves, not flowers. I too am very distressed by the violence and inequity in our world today – but I guess humans just don’t learn – we just keep repeating the mistakes of the past. Have a wonderful and creative week!!!
fantastic shade of green, and it’s looking good on your pages ๐
Love how you did that peace sign! And that last set of pages is amazing! As well as the one before that! ๐
You are so artistic, and I love that green! That recipe book is amazing.
Meis… Ik ben he.le.maal wรฉg van het receptenboekje voor Nout!! Vind het echt prachtig, de kleuren (idd mooie tint groen!!), het peuterfotootje van Nout, de titel en die rode ringen!! Ook de binnenkant ziet er super uit!!
Je andere werk ziet er ook weer geweldig uit! Mooi wat je soms in een aanbiedingenbak kunt vinden… Goeie kop!!
Wat een leuk receptenboek heb je gemaakt voor Nout, zeg! Helemaal top!! Wat zal ie daar veel gebruik van gaan maken!
Heerlijke kleur, dat groen. En wat heb je er weer prachtig werk mee gemaakt! Goh Marit, wat ben je toch enorm creatief…, om jaloers op te zijn ๐
Love the olive green! The stitching is fabulous on your leather is awesome! Thanks for sharing! -Amanda
Wat een super gaaf receptenboek! Hele mooie titel en de kinderfoto op de voorkant…. Zo lief. De binnenpagina’s zien er ook fantastisch uit. Mooie kleuren en de zwarte ringetjes steken er goed bij af. ( die ga ik ook maar eens aanschaffen lijken me heel handig) Je andere pagina’s zijn ook weer prachtig geworden komt vast door je nieuwe kleur groen!
Yay for green!!!!
Lovelovelove that stitched up leather! And that green is looking good! ๐
I totally understanding why everything is going green. What a gorgeous shade. It is especially fun to enjoy as our world turns towards falling asleep into winter’s blues.
Gaaf dat receptenboekje!
I’m totally diggin the green Marit and I cannot tell you enough how much I love your peace page with that leather stitched peace sign!!!! Yes I pray for peace and am so tired of hearing about all the violence, perverts, crime, etc… I can’t even stand to watch the news it’s just too damn depressing.
Dat krijg je als je een nieuwe kleur koopt, dan ga je die ineens heel veel gebruiken totdat die in het gewone ‘gebruikers palet’ valt. ๐
Ik ben een heel erg rood-paars persoon, maar bij mij is groen er ook ineens ‘in’ gekomen. Ik denk dat we wel degelijk beinvloed worden door de kleuren die we rondom ons ineens zien ivm met mode en interieurtrends!