Thanks so much sweeties, for your encouraging words, sympathy and concern
on my last post. I have to clarify something though: the ‘crossroads’ that I was
talking about has to do with my artwork and there’s nothing ‘heavy’ going on in
my personal life or something. Some of you may have been wondering, so I
want to set that straight.
I haven’t decide on the direction that I will take yet.
Kim’s ‘Queen of Arts‘ comment really spoke to me:
“Sometimes I wonder if I could just stay right where I am, plant my feet like
the roots of a tree and stay there, swaying with the winds of change but not
taking the journey…”
Oh how I wish I were a tree…
Right now, I can’t really take any decision because I’m too busy writing articles
for Creatief met Foto’s and getting everything ready for Summer camp (doors
open next Wednesday! If you registered: you can expect an e-mail with your
log-in info on June 1st. Registration will stay open ’till August 15th)
Having my hands full right now means that I will have to put the ‘deep thinking
and exploring of my soul” on ice for a while and come back to it later, when I
have more time.
Having said that, it will be no surprise to you that I didn’t create last week.
I won’t leave you empty-handed though; I hope to satisfy you with photos
and a haiku today!
I discovered Rebecca and her blog recuerda mi corazon a while ago.
She started ‘Haiku my heart’ on Fridays…
Every Friday, bloggers publish a photo and a haiku on their blog.
Rebecca says this about it:
“We are a diverse collection who gather on Fridays gleeful to strip down
to the bare essence of expression and most importantly share.
We visit each other with a vengeance, leave comments with a passion
and lie in wait for the next Friday when we bare our souls all over again.”
I will not promise that I join ‘Haiku my heart’ every Friday – as you know
I’m from the Netherlands. I’m used to writing poems and haiku’s in Dutch.
Thinking of the right words with the right amount of syllables in English
isn’t that simple…
Anyway, today I made you a haiku.
I play with boulders
depicting my emotions
let ancient shapes talk
Enjoy your weekend dear ones!
I appears that some of you don’t know what a haiku is…
Here’s a bit of an explanation (it’s much more complicated
then the explanation I give below, but that would take to far.
If you’re interested in the history and exact rules of haiku,
I recomment you look it up.)
Haikus are three-line poems that find it’s origin in Japan.
There are some strict rules for writing a haiku, but a lot of people
don’t take the rules that strict.
The rules are:
- A haiku has to be about nature and relate to the season
in which you write it. - Haiku has seventeen syllables.
The first line has five syllables, the second seven and
the third five. (5-7-5) - The lines don’t have to rhyme.
- It is not allowed to use metaphors and no feelings or thoughts
may be expressed (see that my haiku goes wrong here??!!)
To say it short: haikus are short observations, snapshots, which appear
by using very common words to describe facts. The purpose of haiku is
that a sphere is called or an idea is suggested.
My first time here. I came through Haiku My Heart. As far as the first paragraph, I wonder when the time came to decide you needed to make a decision?
I love the haiku and the photos. The rocks are the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of us all. They have been around through all of time and have seen everything mankind has done. They teach us the errors and guide us, so these images mean a lot to me. Your words seem to tell me they talk to you too. Wonderful thought.
Absolutely beautiful…. have a fab weekend! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
welcome marit! i am thrilled that you have joined us and hope you will find the reception so warm you will rarely resist returning again and again.
your haiku is full of life and the willingness to listen to the mysteries that surround us all.
it would please me too to have you haiku in your native language! with a brief translation, that of course held no expectation of any amount of syllables. thank you for being here, expanding our world.
lovely images to illustrate your haiku…
I enjoyed the way you expressed it..simple yet profound..thanks.. will visit again..
Tja, ik vind de foto’s wel leuk, maar ik weet niet zo goed wat haiku’s zijn en wat je er mee kan. Heb je de foto’s en de compositie van de stenen erop zelf gemaakt? Ik zie ze vermoedelijk nog wel in een nog artistiekere vorm in je art journal terugkomen…;-)
even when you say you aren’t creating, you are. and you are a constant inspiration. we have a long weekend here in the states and I am going to make “something”! I can’t wait for Summer Camp to start!
I love what the ancient shapes are saying…something different to all of us, no doubt! Very cool!
ik weet eigenlijk niet wat een haiku is, maar ik vind de vormen die gemaakt hebt met de stenen erg mooi 🙂 een heel fijn weekend gewenst!
Love the stones. Love the haiku. Now I have to work on my garage.
Yay! Summer Camp from next week! I can’t wait! I love the stones… very iconic and I am blown away by the fact that you make Haikus in English, when it isn’t even your native tongue. *bows* I couldn’t do it in another language I don’t think…
Enjoy your weekend and I’m glad the crossroads are merely artistic, but I never thought anything else! How insensitive of me! =) xx
Your ancient shapes talked to me about the spirals of life, so glad you joined our loop, it’s very addictive you know!
See you next week then!
Sue x
play and sing your song,
dancing in sweet spring sunshine,
painting with boulders
Wat leer ik toch veel van je, Marit. Ik had nog nooit van Zentangle gehoord, ook nog nooit van Haiku. Dank voor de uitleg.
Ik ben weer heel erg onder de indruk van je post. En ik heb het al heel vaak gezegd, maar oh, wat bewonder ik je creativiteit!!!
Hou je haaks, Marit! Geniet van je weekend!
those photos are stunning. and such a strong haiku…it’s good. and as for rules…I don’t follow. I simply appreciate the opportunity to create and share and support each other.
My first time here. Love your boulder art. Love your haiku. Thanks for posting the “rules” as I’d forgotten them.
I agree with meri…you are painting with stones. it feels ancient and wonderful. There is a labyrinth nearby outlined with stones….I love walking it. thank you for your images and haiku. Welcome…and please share more of your work!
Marit, your post today is lovely! Thanks so much for explaining how a haiku is composed. I’m sending lots of positive vibes to you for success in your artistic journey — that is, once your upcoming and on-going commitments are taken care of. Wishing you a fabulous, relaxing weekend! Hugs, Terri oxox
I didn’t think it was anything “heavy”. I ASSUMED it was about your art. Perhaps I shouldn’t assume, right?
I was concerned because you “seem” to have your creative life in order! You are working writing articles, giving your own workshops, spending spare time (which we never have enough of do we?) making your beloved art journals. What else can you desire? THAT is the crossroads I think.
You have me thinking now, about what your next “road” will be!! What ever you decide, I know you will be happy, because you always follow your heart.
So glad you shared your haiku and beautiful photos all the way from the Netherlands. Although I’ve written in the haiku form since I was young, I appreciate your posting — and reminding — me of the way they are “supposed” to be. I often break the rules.
I love your haiku! You inspire me to try one!
Love your photography AND your haiku very much Mz Marit! I have trouble sometimes when there are so many rules…I know haiku is meant to be zen like and relaxing….maybe one day for me…until then I certainly do enjoy reading others haiku’s!
Happy Weekend to you dear one
I love these stone sculptures. They remind me of mandalas. I am actually very moved by them. They are beautiful and actually quite Jungian which truly appeals to me. My father was Dutch so I guess I have something in common with you. It is so wonderful that you have joined us.
Welcome again, Marit! I love how the ancient earth speaks to you! The first image seems to depict a labyrinth of volcanic rock. Perhaps the fire element emerges? The second, a spiral, suggests you have come from your inner core to your outside persona or vice versa? Letting them talk seems a very meaningful type of meditation. Thank you!
Marit I came across Haiku about 2 years ago and found them very intriguing.
I used to break the rules too, like you have here.
I love your stone creations and your words fit them perfectly. I bet you enjoyed choosing those stones and placing them into the two different designs.
Keep shining my wonderful creative friend.
Peggy xxxx
Die figuren die je met de steentjes legt vind ik fantastisch!. Het geeft je tuin iets “magisch”…
En ik vind het heel knap van je dat je een haiku in het Engels hebt gemaakt!! Lijkt me in het Nederlands al moeilijk genoeg… maar ja, ik ben dan ook geen dochter van een dichteres… ‘t Zit in de genen meis!!!
the haiku is very interesting.. i learn something new all the time.. love the pictures and the haiku you wrote.
lovely haiku!
the crossroads are a scary place, but also the the place you must travel to to open up to new opportunities, creativity… to possibilities.
i’ve never been a tree, always the wind….
Wow. Profound. 🙂
Sometimes we tend to overthink stuff. Hope you enjoy the journey…:)
We have certainly widened the rules for haiku but kept the structure which is what all good artists do, don’t you think ?
I love love love your boulders, your poem and your heart !
(feeling stronger and stronger, healing well – thanks for the loving thoughts ).