Hayhay lovely readers, followers, deskers and other people wandering around on the internet and landing on my blog… it’s yet another Wednesday and that’s the day I publish a photo of my desk for “What’s On Your Work desk Wednesday.”
You may not see much differences with photos of former weeks but to me it’s an extra happy desk – for what is on it. See that yellow page I’m working on? It’s the background for my Chronicles spread for week 41…
I started with painting the background in a bright, yellow colour as last week was a bright and happy week with lots of sunshine, love and happy moments: my son Nout came to visit us last weekend! I’ll show you that photo that you can see on the art journal page, but first here are two art journal spreads from former weeks.
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 38
Yep, cycling… we watched the World Championship cycling on tv and photos of the winners had to go on my page.
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 39
Week 39: lots to tell, combined with random pictures… it’s just fun to create pages like this!
And now for the happy moments: Me and Nout.
Can you tell we were happy to see each other? There was a ceremony in Amsterdam last Thursday (he graduated in September and he received his master-degree) but we couldn’t be there, so on Friday he took the day off of work and came to visit us. (Yes, Nout started a job right after his graduation as a trainee with the national government.)
Remember the present I made him last Summer?
As a graduation gift, I crocheted a blanket for him (small photo) to put on the couch in his new apartement. He is still very happy with it, and so is his girlfriend Guus! He showed us this photo of her, and isn’t that the sweetest picture? (published with her approval.)
This was a happy and cozy post of me today.
Thanks for visiting and I hope your week will be happy and cozy too.
Great cycling pages. BJ#6
I love the happy warm yellow that’s to go with your son visiting. I totally understand the feeling…after about two months, I get a NEED to see my beautiful daughter…even if she doesnt!!
What a happy post p great pic of you and your son and isn’t that crochet blanket gorgeous?! Love the colours and pattern – clever you!
Hugs LLJ 11 xxx
Hi Marit, great journal pages, and lovely photos of you & your son, and his girlfriend. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 XxXx
Such a happy desk, fun colors and some great photos. Always a blessing when the kids come to visit. Always fun to see the variety of things other areas do for fun. Thanks for sharing and have a great week
What a lovely post Marit. I can tell you are over the moon to see your lovely Son. He sounds like he’s doing really well.
Love the crocheted blanket and how lovely to see how much it is appreciated.
Enjoy the rest of your week,
Hugs Lisax #16
I can’t type for very long because of an eye problem. I like the pages very much.
Rose #31
Your desk is as always, wonderful. love the bright page. but, the blanket – how beautiful it looks, and love that your son and girlfriend appreciate it so much too. have a good week. Helen #3
Love your photos & your journal pages are wonderful :o) Great idea to label everything on your desk (I wouldn’t know how to do that!)
Tracey x
I didn’t know you could crochet, Marit! I woman of very talents! Lovely photos! Good luck to Nout in his new job! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #22
That is one gorgeous blanket, no wonder they love it so much. Have a great woyww and a lovely creative week, Angela x10x
You have been busy with all your journal pages, lovely work.
have a good week
Christine #17
I love your weekly journal pages. So glad you had a great visit from your son. That blanket looks so cosy. Happy WOYWW Sarah #24
Wat een happy picture van jou en je zoon. En de indianendeken is bij Nout en Guus duidelijk op zijn plek. Die goudgele spread…daar ben ik nu al benieuwd naar. Liefs and wishing you another happy week!
I’m not sure when life got so busy that I stopped commenting but this is my new favorite post. Your workspace is so cheerful, and I loved seeing the picture with Nout. I’m glad he is doing so well. Hugs.
Very Nice Collection.Thnx for sharing keep up the Good work..