Thank you, thank you, a big THANKS to all who responded to my e-mail
last month, and sent me a birthday card for my friend Lena!!!
On Sunday, my beloved and I drove to Zeeland to visit her on
her 50th birthday. I carried with me my own presents, ánd a bag
with all your envelopes!!!
I’d printed the e-mail that I sent to you, and let her read it first –
so she would now what it was that I gave her.
Then I handed over the bag stuffed with your mail!
MAN – you should’ve been there – the look on her face was priceless!!!!
Here’s a photo
See the big stack of envelopes on her lap?
And there’s even more in the bag…. WOWZAH
To see more pics of all the cards and presents,
go to Lena’s blog Six lilies studio
On to some art journal pages I made…
These are the last two pages in my ‘list’ journal.
I finished all the prompts now, and my book is full.
I’m real happy with this colourful and versatile little art journal!
(If you want to see all the pages in a row, the complete book is in my gallery.
You find it under ‘finished Art Journals’ – see buttons at the top of this blog.)
List #29 – Favourite food
List #30 – Today’s To-Do list
I stamped the desperate lady twice, so that it looks like she’s shaking.
I love the effect!!! This ‘to do’ list is from a week ago (April 12th) and I
really had a busy day back then! I’m glad things calmed down now!
It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means…
Yep, last week’s art journal page.
Here it is (click on the picture to enlarge for a better view)
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – Week 15
Anne g-i send me a bunch of awesome, antique postcards (thanks Anne!!!)
and this one was soooo appropriate to go with the date that I finished
writing the articles for ‘Creatief met Foto’s #47’.
(This issue will hit the stores in May)
How do I fill up my days now that I made the deadline with the writing?
- For starters: it’s 25 degrees Celcius (77 Fahrenheit) so I spend a lot
of time in the backyard – sitting in the sun and spraying ink on art
journal pages. This warm weather is awesome for letting the pages
(ánd the laundry) dry in the sun! . (NOTE TO SELF: remember to check
the wind before using spray ink while the laundry hangs outside 😉 ) - Work on more Creative Summer Camp prompts.
(registration opens this week, I’ll keep you informed) - Work on the website I design/create for a customer.
- and last but not least: I really, REALLY have to do some housekeeping!
As you see, I won’t get bored!
I hope you have a lovely, creative and sunny week my friends!
What a lovely day Lena must have had – so happy that the cards all arrived!!!! Love your list and the food page – such beautiful plates! Enjoy the sunshine!
I’m so glad Lena was happy! You are a great friend!!
I love the advice about not using spray ink in the wind with laundry out!!! Sorry!!!
Your pages are awesome too!!
Hach, wat moet dat heerlijk zijn bij dit mooie weer opeens zoveel “vrije” tijd te hebben! Ik ben alweer benieuwd wat ons allemaal te wachten staat!
LG – Irma
Geweldig om te lezen dat je verrassing zo geslaagd was! Je journal pages zijn weer helemaal top. Ben (alweer) helemaal onder de indruk van je journaling op die laatste pagina!
En wie weet…oktober is nog ver weg…dan zou het me toch moeten lukken om voor jouw verjaardag nog iets ‘in elkaar te flansen’! 😉
Groetjes, Sandra
Wat een geweldig cadeau!! En wat een mooie pagina’s heb je weer gemaakt, inderdaad een mooi effect die “dubbele” stempelafdruk!!
Geniet van het weer en je vrije tijd!!!
Wat leuk dat Lena zo enthousiast reageerde op je verrassing!
En wat jammer dat je lijstjes nu klaar zijn, vond het iedere keer weer zó leuk om ze te lezen.
Geniet van het mooie weer, Marit!
So happy Lena loved her cards!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee your pages!! AMAZING as always… ohhhhhh and I wanted to tell you… I am very anal…and a list maker like you… lol… sooooooooooo packing has been mostly done for almost 3 months! LOL!! I knew we were moving this year… so I started early and the closer we get the more I pack! lol! The only things I have left are the things that we use everyday! Can’t help it, I have an illness that way! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ik zit nog steeds een beetje na te genieten van je verrassing meis!! Ik kreeg nog veel leuke reacties op mijn blog binnen, zelfs van de maakster van de ketting…!
Je lijstjes zijn weer prachtig! Het dubbel stempelen geeft een fantastisch effect!! (was ik zelf noooooit opgekomen..)
Die fotokaart van Anne kwam gelijk goed van pas zeg!! Heel mooi!!
How exciting. I wish I had my act together enough to remember to do that.
Like your food list, by the way.
You are a fabulous friend Marit! I love those pics of you and Lena! I’m so glad she had a happy birthday!
beautiful those blue and white dishes…and your food list. love the to do list with the crazy lady stamp…that is fantastic!
You are such a special friend…blog friend…dear friend.
I thought about participating…and apologize for dropping the ball (an expression we use when we do not follow through with something)
Happy Springtime to you dear Marit…you certainly know how to bring sunshine to everyone!
Wow! What a great present for your friend! 🙂
Love your journal pages!
wow, great surprise!! love the journal pages.
Sigh. I love your list pages and every time I see them I kick myself for not having done one yet!!! I need MORE time!!!! How I wish I could just create all day and not work. Will I ever get to my list page??? Stay tuned! haha
love what you did with the post card! you were right – it was perfect! love your pages and the double stamping “shaking”. just signed up for camp!! super excited!
Wat een ontzettend leuk idee, die kaarten!!!! Kan me voorstellen dat ze hier super blij mee was!!! enne, sterkte met al die vrije tijd 🙂