It’s the second day of my favourite month: September.
I love the smell of Autumn in the air.
I love the sun standing low at the horizon, making long shadows.
I love the quietness of this month.
September always makes me a bit melancholic too.
Somewhat like in the song ‘September morning’ by Neil Diamond.
I’m far from being a fan, but I keep that one CD especially for that song,
and I only play it in September. Once.
(After all, I can’t have melancholy developing into a depression.)
To me, September also is ‘reflection Month’.
Most people have this kind of feeling at the end of the year. Not me.
(At the end of the year – as some of you will remember – I always party
with the radio on! The top 2000 musical event! You can join this annual
party on my blog this year too. Yep, it will be here again the last week
of December!)
So, September.
I woke up thinking back on my childhood in Zeeland.
How in Autumn the mist hang over the fields. How the neighbour (a farmer)
went ploughing and ofcourse how I went work with him. After all, I was his
little friend. Friends with an old man and his horse. (‘Old?’ Ha! I guess he was
the same age as I am now!)
This old man and his horse toughed me how to plough.
Yes, the old fashion way – with a horse.
I based today’s haiku on that memory.
I even found a photo of the neighbour ploughing!
(completely discoloured because of it’s years in a frame hanging on the wall
in my nursery.) Picture me in the man’s place. 6 years old, tiny little rubber
boots on my feet, leading that big horse across the land, ploughing the clay-soil
of Zeeland. Aah, I was a ‘nature child’ back then!
September ochtend
mist hangt boven’t Zeeuwse land voren in de klei |
September morning
mist hangs above Zeeland’s fields straight lines in the clay |
Johnny Beerens. 'Land-Sea' 2.24 x 1. 22 meter - 7.34 x 4 feet
And this – ladies (and gentlemen?’) – isn’t a photo, no!
This is a painting (yes, really!) of ploughed soil/clay in Zeeland
by Johnny Beerens. This artist lives and works in Zeeland.
He makes BIG paintings (on buildings even!) in a way you hardly see.
This painting, for instance, is 2.24 x 1. 22 meter – 7.34 x 4 feet!
I recommend you visit Johnny Beerens’ website (click on the name
and you’ll find his galleries under the big photo of him)
I, myself, haven’t much to show. Just two ATC cards.
My ‘creative summer camp’ came to an end and as a ‘finale’ we held
a swap between some camp participants. I hosted the swap, and I
mailed off all the cards today. Here is the one I made.
(Dutch ladies: expect the cards in your mailbox tomorrow!)
Not all participants made an equal amount of cards.
Therefor, two ladies would not get the same amount of cards in return
as they made themselves. I decided to complete their stacks with an ATC
that I especially made for them. Here it is…
In about a week (September 12) these two online workshops start.
You can still join!
Find all the information and how to register HERE.
Last but not least: thank you all for the get well wishes to my beloved on my
former post! He’s doing fine, we ordered new glasses for him today (those
were broken too, and now that his eyes are back to normal – they had all
colours of the rainbow last week – he could see straigt enough to test and
order new ones) The stitches (about 20!) come out next Monday. He will
have a big scarf on his forhead though, but I figured that will look kinda
interesting – like a pirate. Ha!
Have a nice weekend dear ones, enjoy Autumn!
beautiful post…love the pic, love his artwork, love your creations…i am full of love today…lol…have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Glad to hear he is doing better. What a story he will have to tell in the future.
I love the little girl on your ATC. Very cheerful.
Mooie blogpost weer, Marit!
Fijn dat het weer wat beter gaat met die onfortuinlijke man van je! En zo’n litteken vind ik wel sexy hoor 😉
Fijn weekend!!
Ennuh….Den Alerdinck ligt bij HeiNo, niet bij HeiLo ;-))))
Scheelt maar 160 km….lol
Loveeeeeee those photos! And your ATC’s are always AWESOME! Have a FAB weekend and FAB September! :):):):):):):):):):)
i loved your sweet childhood remembrance, and the haiku you wrote for it is just perfect.
beautiful post. love your atc.
I can picture little you kicking up the dirt clods… what a GREAT memory!
I need to take your note on the ATC to heart…
happy weekend Marit!!! : .)
I love how you’ve evoked this memory of your youth and the crisp autumn morning. Those horses look like Clydesdales (big)! Nicely paired with the organic closeup of the ploughed soil… Je t’embrasse aussi~
Love the ATC’s!
And to think here in PA I could take a photo that looks very similar to that today!
Hi Marit,
I love your picture of the ploughing horses and your childhood story. I am an Autumn girl too. I love the season. Your cards are so cheerful. I wish that I were one of the recipients. I love the haiku as well. I didn’t realize that your beloved is on the mend. I am sorry that I missed that post or I would have wished you both well. So glad that you are here.
Lovely memories and photos. May you enjoy a beautiful weekend as well.
i am very touched with your memory…and the treasure of a photograph that you have of Henk and his huge powerful horses. your haiku is hauntingly beautiful. i love thinking of you in tiny rubber boots, small and courageous behind these giants!
Kannie wachten tot de post komt…. ben zoooo benieuwd naar het pakketjes ATC’s! Zie nu de jouwe en ik vind em, zo met dat poppetje van je logo, écht heel leuk!!!
Je jeugdherinnering is weer prachtig verteld én in beeld gebracht!! De werken van Johnny Beerens zijn zo geweldig knap gemaakt!!!
Blij te lezen dat het met M. weer beter gaat!
Een heel fijn weekend gewenst!
Wat een mooi schilderij… En wat een mooie post, ik heb dat ook met september: het eind van de zomer, de dagen korter en voor mij als weegschaal weer een jaartje verder. Mooie Haiku ook! En de kaartjes: zo schattig! Liefs, Natalie
Vandaag wordt het een mooie nazomerdag, Marit! En ik zie wat je bedoelt..lange schaduwen in de tuin, prachtig!!!
Gelukkig gaat het weer wat beter met Marius, fijn weekend, Viv.
How I loved hearing of your childhood in Zeeland. How idyllic it all sounds! And made for a great haiku !
So glad your beloved is healing up well. Yes, a scar can be kind of an interesting feature, kind of macho, right ?
Your new courses sound wonderful ! You really are an awesome chickie !!
I hope you have a cozy, September weekend ! (My fav is October – sweaters, boots, soups, Canadian Thanksgiving, and this Chickie’s Birthday !)
Big Love !
It takes a master ploughman to plough a straight furrow. It takes a master of languages to haiku in Dutch and English!
No Windmill Here!
Leuk om te lezen, ik zie het helemaal voor me!! Je haiku’s zijn weer prachtig (hoe krijg je het voor elkaar in 2 talen te schrijven! knap!!!).
En tja, september …. aan de ene kant een heerlijk maand, maar aan de andere … de zomer is nu wel zo’n beetje voorbij en dat terwijl-ie eigenlijk niet eens begonnen is….. Nou ja, always look on the bright side, we hebben het tenminste niet zo heet gehad!! 🙂
Fijne zondag nog!!
There is something about September…maybe just the inkling that things are starting to change… but for now, it still looks and feels like summer, unless we pay very close attention!
Beautiful pictures!
Beautiful post, haiku, and images!!
I am enjoying September, too. 🙂
Thank you for joining my art blog hop and posting the button on your site!
I am your newest blog follower! 🙂
All the best,
i love autumn too; though summer is lingering around a bit longer over here, and i won’t complain…
thanks for sharing some lovely pictures and artwork 🙂
xo sandra
Glad to hear your beloved is getting better Marit! xoxo
September is a very reflective time for me too . . . thoughts of my childhood and my grandmother come to mind. ((Sigh!!)) That being said, September is my most favorite month of the year. I love waking up to a chill in the air, and pulling out a sweater now and then. And I adore the smell of smoke and fresh apple pie. Hugs, Terri xoxo
thank you for sharing such precious memories with us dear Marit…so beautiful and heartwarming
very happy your Man is on the mend…ar ar ar matey