… at the end of the tunnel!
The last three weeks, I’ve been working my butt off writing articles – facing
one deadline after another – but there’s an end to it and it’s getting near!
One more busy week ahead but after that, I will have more time to create.
I did have some spare time last weekend though, so let’s see how I used it!
For starters, I worked on an assignment for ‘A Year in the Life
of an Art Journal’.
The new prompt will be on
the blog on June 15th, so I
won’t show you the page yet.
But I can show you what I
made to use on my page!
Yep – I carved stamps!
Since I started with this
technique, I’m totally in
love with making stamps.
I find it very relaxing to
sit at the table with my
tools and carefully cut
the small pieces out of
the eraser. It’s fun to do
and you know what the
best part of it is? When
I’m done my collection
is increased with one stamp!
(In this case: two!)
THREE stamps,
Here’s what
I made
of a small
piece of
After making the stamps and finishing the page I was working on,
I also used the circle stamp on my ‘Chronicles’ page.
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – Week 23
(You can click on the picture to enlarge)
Still, I hadn’t had enough of the stamping business.
I decided to freak out!
My first attempt on making a portrait!
(The eye didn’t come out that good andΒ it was pretty difficult to cut this one.
I still recognize myself in the stamped image though. Isn’t that cool?!)
See you back on Friday dear ones!
Enjoy your week!
(Oh, and, my lip is doing well!
Lipstick = reddish-orange today…)
Wow, Marit wat gaaf! Ik vind je portretstempel super! Voor een eerste poging is het in elk geval heel wat. Dat belooft wat voor als je geoefender bent!!!
love your self portrait stamp, very clever! I’ve never got the hang of stamp carving, I think maybe my lino cut tools are too big and clunky
Marit, your new stamps are terrific! How adventurous and brave of you to create a portrait stamp — it’s fabulous!!! And I adore all of your smaller stamps too. I think I’m going to have to give stamp making a try!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxox
PS I LOVE the energy in your Chronicals #23 page!
Oh wowee, those stamps are amazing! You have way more patience then I do, I couldn’t do that! The portrait stamp is AWESOME!
Hi Marit! I love coming to your blog..just never know what I am going to see! A self portrait stamp that you cut yourself!!! There is no end to your awesomeness?? π
I absolutely love it!! You are cool!
Wow, that potrait stamp is amazing! You are so very talented!
heeeey! I carved some stamps this weekend too, inspired by Rosie! I love these! and of course your face! very cool!!!
time to play Marit! time to play!!!
: .)
How cool to make your own stamps!! The last one really looks like you! The journal page looks awesome too!!
Hugh? How did you make that last one? It’s absolutely stunning! Will you teach stamp carving during the workshop ‘at the sea’?
I think you did great!
Pretty cool stamps!!!! Glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel….
Love love love your page and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the stamps! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!! I love that one of you! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Je stempels zijn super. En wat gedurfd om een stempel van je eigen portret te maken. Leuk! Maar ik word meteen ook erg nieuwsgierig naar een project met deze stempel!
Je stempels zien er echt super gaaf uit, echt knap gedaan zeg!
Je zelfportret is ongelooflijk goed gelukt!
Your stamps are truly wonderful – and oh yes, the portrait one definitely has the look of you! I will check out the Year in the Life posting – have a great week!
Je eigen stempels gemaakt??
Wat goed zeg en wat zijn ze leuk!
Je Chronicle is wederom een beauty.
Wauw!!! Zooooo goed gelukt die stempels!!! En gelijk die ene gebruikt bij week 23!! MOOI!!
Je portretje is dan misschien nog niet helemaal naar je zin maar ik vind toch dat goed te zien is dat jij het bent hoor. Heeeel knap gedaan!!!
WOWEE you carved in a stamp is super Mz M!!!
Love all of your stamps…the circles within the circles…all of them!
AND your journal pages are fantastic as well…they really speak to me and I do not understand a word you’ve written so that is saying a lot π π π
I will be happy for you to have some time to breathe soon…you work so hard…you deserve it missy!
I am so proud of you!! I LOVE the stamps you have carved, especially the self-portrait – awesome! And the circles one you used on the Chronicles page – well I may have to carve myself one of those!! Brilliant!! I also find it relaxing to carve stamps…
I am so glad you’ll have some “Marit” time soon!! xo
WoWOWOWOW!!!! I can’t believe you made a self portrait stamp!!! That is amazing!!! The circles are great, but a stamp of yourself? WOW!
Leuk die stempels!