Yessss… the top 2000 list is online – so hereby I announce my
You foreign visitors, don’t stop reading ’cause
History / the ‘basics’:
From Christmas to New Year, the Radio 2 team presents the 2000
favorite songs of the listeners. 24 hours a day! You can listen to this
156-hour musical marathon on the website or tune in on Radio 2.
as an ‘extra’ – the radio broadcasting will be linked to my blog,
so you only have to tune in to my blog to hear the music play!
The broadcasting starts on Saturday, December 25 at 12.o0 a.m CET
and will go on ’till Friday, December 31 midnight – when the #1 will
play on the radio.
24 hours, day and night: MUSIC!
You can find the top 2000 list with all the songs and dates online now!!!
Click on the link to the top 2000 list in my side menu
to find the list and feel free to grab that funky blinkie
to celebrate our Musical Party week!
(NOTE: some of you have who played along last year, may have
the blinkie on their blogs already – please replace it with the new code
– last year’s code linked to the old blog. Thank you!)
Here’s a screen dump of the online page so you have an idea where to look.
The broadcasting will start with playing number 2000
(Nathalie Imbruglia – Torn) and work their way up to the number one.
The Creative Party on my blog:
Here are the ‘rules’ of the party.
- Pick a song (or more) from the top 2000 list and use the song
as inspiration for your art. (Interpret freely – no rules!)
You can create art in every form: scrap layouts, drawings,
paintings, art journal pages, photos, postcards, ATC’s… whatever!
- E-mail me a photo of your work (find the e-mail in the side menu)
In your e-mail, please state
– name of the artist
– song title
– what number the song is in the top 2000 list
– date of broadcasting (see last column in the top 2000 list)
– your name
– link to your website/blog (if you have one)I will publish your work on my blog with your name and link
on the day the song is playing on the radio/Internet.
- The blog party starts at the same time as the radio broadcasts
(December 25 – 12.oo/noon CET) and will go on until New Year’s day.
Following the list (Central European Time), new blogposts go online
at midnight. If e-mails with new art come in later I will add the photos
to the post during the day.
- A number at the top of each post will tell you how many art pieces
are published in that day’s post, so you can keep track of new art
that was added during the day.
- You can play once, twice, every day… make only one piece
or – like me – take that last week of the year off and spend it
in your studio with the radio on, creating something every day.
It’s all up to you. You might even want to start right now!
Scroll through the archives here if you want to get a view on former years.
Are you in for this top 2000 Musical blog party?
Then what are you waiting for?
As of now, you can send your art to me so choose a song from the list
and start creating!
This party is open to everyone from all over the world!
After all, music is international, isn’t it?!!
(Oh, and spread the word!)
I can’t wait to see what wonderful art I will find in my mailbox!
I am SO in 🙂
Leuk!!! Dit is nieuw voor mij, zal zo eens in je archief duiken 😉 Maar deze aankondiging maakt me wel enthousiast. Heb ook de laatste week van het jaar vrij…dus dat wordt leuk! Top 2000 staat hier altijd aan, maar icm met journaling kan ik me er alleen maar meer op verheugen!
Is het alweer een jaar geleden? Mens , wat gaat de tijd snel…Ben al heel erg benieuwd wat je er dit jaar van maakt!
Lieve groetjes – Irma
Yay! This will be fun. I have something that has been brewing in my brain for a bit.
Count me in! I’m off to look at the list!!! Thanks for hosting again Marit!
Ik doe mee!!
I loveeeeeee when you do this!! So fun seeing everyone’s takes on the songs! :):):):):):):):):):):)
TUURLIJK doe ik ook mee!!
Ik doe ook weer mee!
Hey Marit,
Lang niet “gezien”, heb even wat bijgelezen. Druk met alles creatief, lees ik. Mooi!
Ik doe zeker ook weer mee hoor. Super leuk!
Mooi moment om weer wat creatiefs te doen.