Goodmorning lovelies, it’s me tuning in. It is that time of year that I am less active both on my blog as well as in my atelier. It’s the calm before the storm ’cause as of Christmas day, the Top 2000 blogparty will explode on my blog… the pre-party already started in the Top 2000 blogparty Facebook-group and all participants are set to go. No doubt in my mind the last week of December will again be a hell of a party!
“Being less active” doesn’t mean I do nothing at all… there’s a large stack of Christmas cards on my desk that I need to finish. There’s pieces of paper showing ‘aquarel clouds’ in the window sill, that I made after I came home from Mandy’s workshop last weekend. I want to work on those some more and write Tanka with the images (I may tell you more about it in a future blogpost.) I plan on binding a little journal to use for my Top 2000 art ánd I need to bind a new ‘Chronicles’ journal to use next year.
Oh, and there’s the last week-spreads that will fill up this year’s Chronicles… here’s the last spread I created
The Chronicles of Marit 2017 – Week 48
And here’s a spread I made in November in the “Grandes Chaleurs” journal.
Learning to Die
I’m also thinking about a word for 2018… are you choosing a word for each year? In 2010 I embraced this tradition that Eli Edwards started and choose a word for the year ever since. I like it so much more than resolutions (which I never made, by the way.)
Well, there are some Christmas cards waiting to be finished so I’m turning my back on the computer for now. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Friday & weekend. See you around someday next week!
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