Did you Dutchies enjoyed the warm weather last weekend?
I know I did! I finished my work early, and had some time left to art journal
in the garden. It’s the first time that I brought my markers and copics outside
to work in the open air. I though I would not like it to work while sitting in a
chair without a big table – only a small one to put my markers and tea on.
But I enjoyed it! Painting and spraying will be more difficult this way, but
doodling and writing aren’t a problem to do this way. I’ll remember that, and
I hope we have a nice Summer!
I have three pages for you today!
Two of them are lists (still not done with those π )
List #23 – Guilty pleasures
I know the phrase, and what is meant by it. But for you who don’t:
“A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable
despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The “guilt” involved is sometimes
simply fear of others discovering one’s lowbrow or otherwise
embarrassing tastes. Fashion, music, and junk food can be examples
of guilty pleasures.”
Ofcourse I have those pleasures. But I don’t feel embarrassed by it.
I simply have no problem with you knowing that I love chips, I like
to watch make-over shows, there are some terrible songs which got
me teary-eyed etc. etc The list, ofcourse, is a lot longer but here’s the thing:
I don’t feel ‘guilty‘ about any of those things.. I don’t even think it’s
embarrassing to say you like certain things. I’m not trying to keep up
an ‘image’ or something. I am who I am and if others find it ‘not done’ that
I like certain things, that’s their problem.
(I see now, that this is something that I should have put on list #27
but in a way, it is on that list.)
Are there absolutely no ‘pleasures’ that I do find embarrassing then?
Well yes. We all have them I guess…
And that’s why I came up with this ‘list’.
(After I write a blogpost, I always run the spelling check before I publish it.
I just did that, and the spellingschecker saysΒ ’embarrassing’ should be written
with two s-ses – can’t change that on my journal page, but I’ll remember.
OK, another lesson learned.)
List #27 – Lessons learned
After I made this list, I thought some more about point three.
It’s not completely right that I put “You can’t be liked by everyone”
on this list as ‘a lesson learned’. I still struggle with that one from time to time!
It’s a trap that most people, especially women, walk into… we just want
EVERYONE to like us! It always hits me hard when someone seems to dislike
me. Although it gets better now that I am older, I’m still a bit of a pleaser…
This lesson isn’t learned yet. I still go back and forth from “being authentic
and never mind the people who don’t like me when I act the way I am”Β to
“oh my, let’s not get over enthusiastic or act as a ‘know-it-all’, because chances
are that people will start to find me arrogant and pretentious and they will
dislike me for it”. Lesson STILL NOT LEARNED. (Working on it though!)
The Chronicles of Marit – Week #13
There are no real ‘secrets’ on this page, but I name some names and I don’t
want the persons to feel uncomfortable when everyone can read it on my blog,
so I blurred the journaling.
And that’s it for today folks!
Now that the days get longer, I have an extra few hours daylight
in the evenings. That means I might get another journal page done
this week, using the hours after diner!
We’ll see, but with or without new pages – I see you on Friday!
I love that you are SO honest! I agree that we women are “pleasers” for the most part, although I am far more ‘snotty’ (slang for arrogant) than I used to be. I walked into a local shop today and she had so much more than I could have guessed, that was exactly to my taste!! Good thing I don’t have any money spare or I wouldn’t have known what to buy first! Because she makes cards, I assumed we had nothing in common… Just shows you should never ASSUME anything!
My biggest gulity pleasure used to be smoking, but I gave up over a year ago – toughest thing I ever did and I still miss that occasional one after dinner… Ah well!
Enjoy the extra daylight, and don’t work too hard! =)
Love the pages and the way you share yourself, Marit ! And keeping our little secrets is important too,I think !
By the way, I like you. π
You are an art journaler extraordinaire !
Happy Spring !
Ik zal het kort houden: I agree on everything! Maar zijn er dan nog steeds mensen die rode sokken dragen??!!!
Leuk leuk leuk!!! vooral die tweede! Ze zijn zoooo herkenbaar, ja vooral die ene over aardig gevonden worden! Erg hè? En die rode sokken vind ik ook erg leuk :-).
Fijne week nog en ik hoop dat het mooie weer weer terug komt!!
Awesome creations. Love the vibrancy and honesty.
Nou Marit, laat het een troost voor je zijn, je bent niet de enige. Die les heb ik ook nog steeds niet geleerd! Heb er precies dezelfde gevoelens over als jij!!
Wat heb je weer geweldig mooi materiaal geplaatst zeg! Super! Ik bewonder je creativiteit en het feit dat je alles zo goed onder woorden kunt brengen!!
Petje af!
Oh dear, with your need to be liked, I do hope you didn’t take it to heart when I told you we could no longer be friends if you didn’t like Guns n Roses π
That is a lesson I haven’t learned yet either. There is a lady who lives locally to me who moves in the same social circles as I do, and who seems to thoroughly dislike me, and I have no idea why! It bugs me SO much! I hate it when people don’t like me, especially for absolutely no reason.
Love that red socks picture, and the way you have done the title on the lessons learned page, and the gorgeous vibrant colours on your other pages.
Enjoy the lovely Spring weather!
you are so inspiring. my eldest daughter comes here often to look at your work. thought you should know that π
These are AMAZING!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee that embarrassing one!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
These are awesome as always Marit! You make amazing journal pages! π
P/s: I’m still a people pleaser…it’s hard not to be…lol
I have been colouring in images lately, because I don’t have to bring all my supplies out. It is so nice to just have paper and my Copics π
Your projects are so fun.
Guilty pleasures: Spending too many hours on the computer when I need to be cleaning; Watching ridiculous movies that I have seen too many times that I know most of the words…These are the kind of things I think of when I think of guilty pleasures.
Fijn dat je ondanks je vele schrijfwerk toch nog tijd had om creatief bezig te zijn!!
Ik vind je “rode sokken” lijstje ontzettend mooi! Aan je “quilty pleasures” lijstje heb je een goede draai gegeven!! Helemaal mee eens dat je niet alles openbaar hoeft te maken!!
Het belooft weer een mooie dag te worden dus misschien kun je wel weer lekker buiten werken!!
Het “rode sokken” lijstje vind ik super, en heeeel herkenbaar. Erg he, dat pleasen… En die rode sokken, tja… groen kan het trouwens ook doen weet ik uit ervaring π Vind je weekly page ook erg mooi met al die strookjes en kleuren! Een hele fijne en zonnige dag vandaag, liefs, Natalie
Ha Marit,
Wat een inspirerende lijst, heel mooi. Vooral die over de rode sok zal ik onthouden π
Om even terug te komen op je reactie op mijn blog: het is eigenlijk onmogelijk om zelf je eigen kleurtype te bepalen. Dit, omdat je zelf ook allemaal emotionele linken legt met kleur. Je hebt iemand nodig die er objectief naar kijkt. En laat ik nou net bezig zijn met een opleiding voor kleurconsulent! Als je interesse hebt, dan hoor ik het graag π
Groetjes, Marije
Zucht, je hebt je uurtjes goed gebruikt…sinds vorige week verheug ik me elke dag weer op die uurtjes langer licht waarin ik iets zou kunnen doen, maar ik doe het niet…
LG – Irma
Love your Lessons Learned pages…you express yourself so beautifully in words and art!
AND you are always so real and refreshing…more things that attract me to you dear Marit
Glad you got to enjoy some sunshine…warmer days are coming
Enjoy * Enjoy!
Oh Marit! You are a crazy person!! You do so much amazing work every week! You would be lucky if I finish 1 page a week!!
Brilliant work!!
I can totally identify with trying to please people, Marit! AND, this year I’m trying to embrace the “perfection” of “imperfection”!!! Great pages! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Geweldig werk weer! Vooral de lessons learned.Heel herkenbaar. Mooie sokken,lijken zelf gebreid.
Hi Marit!! love these lists. I think I told you that.. they make me think what I would write.
warmer weather is struggling to make its appearance here…
hope you are having a creative week and getting in some crafty time.
Happy Wednesday!! =)
absolute delight in these pages, as usual….
now I have a couple of guilty pleasures, not embarassed on the slightest, but are things that are not very healthy, like eating pot noodles and drinking bottled by Lipton’s Iced Tea, peach flavour (which am sure has no peach in it LOL) or eating Mc Donalds…. funny I made a page about that last month π
anyway, great, gorgeous pages!!!!!
super huge Huggzzz!!!
I love you just the way you are Marit! One of the nicest and caring people I have met in blogland! Love your collages too! Enjoy your pretty weather!!
Fantastic pages … i love your work. π
Owwwww i love love love your journaling and lessons.Many things that could be written by myself!I am really hoping that weather stayΒ΄s this nice,we deserve it donΒ΄t ya think???
Love the quote about embarressing things,so cool!
Such a wonderful enlightening post to read Marit!
Oh I would love to meet you one day and talk about all these topics you have written about here.
I especially loved your “Lessons Learned” page. “Trust your instincts”…..if we do that we are “home and hosed” (on the right path)!
Keep shining my sweet friend.
Peggy xxxxxx