Don’t you just LOVE my title?
I’ll explain in a minute…
Weird things happened this week. Strange vibes were in the air.
I didn’t really feel it, but when I visited a few blogs after finishing
some (art)work I tumbled from one surprise into another!
Nothing strange happened with this page (but you never know,
I became cautious!) I made this last weekend…
(21 x 29,7 cm - 8.3 x 11.7 inch)
‘Wees een onafhankelijke denker. Wees de schaker, niet het schaakstuk’
~ Ralph Charell ~
‘Be an independent thinker. Be the chess player, not the chess piece’
~ Ralph Charell ~
It has been ages since I used my embossing tools, but I did on this page.
I had fun with Tim Holtz distress embossing powder!
A close up:
The above page was made in my Miscellaneous art journal.
I had not worked in this journal for a while, and when I flipped through the
pages I came across this page I made a few Months earlier.
(21 x 29,7 cm - 8.3 x 11.7 inch)
I made this as an example for one of the prompts in Summercamp.
The booktitles form a poem…
‘My mother and I
Two women
thinking about love and power’
An idea was born: why not combine titles to form a haiku
for Haiku my Heart? Aaah, that was way too difficult!
I changed my self-imposed challenge into
‘form a haiku from words on a bookpage’…
… and I did manage to do that!
(13 x 21 cm - 5.1 x 8.3 inch)
Muse, geboren met de pen
haar ziel woont in sterrennachten wanneer zal ze gehoord worden? |
Muse, born with the pen
her soul dwells in starry nights when will she be heard? |
(I couldn’t get the syllables right in the Dutch translation without loosing
the meaning, so the Dutch one is not a haiku.)
(*** This page is made on the wings of a ‘stange vibe’ … see later on)
I made this page at the beginning of the week.
After that, I started working on something I’d planned to do the minute
I bought carving tools: make my own alphabet stamps!
I drew the alphabet, copied it onto erasers and started curving.
It took me two evenings to complete the whole alphabet.
On the paper, you can see I drew the ‘holes’ in the letters (the O for example)
I ruined two pieces of eraser trying to get that little peace out, so I decided
to leave it alone. I kinda like the effect of the ‘closed alphabet’ though!
(*** Strange vibes were still hanging in the air)
*** Here’s what happened when I visited some blogs.
Rosie had been working on a page with a technique called ‘found poetry’…
She shows a lovely page with cut out words and sentences that form a poem.
I must have picked up her ‘vibes’.
Julie Fei-Fan showed her hand carved alphabet she cut out a long time ago.
She even left the ‘holes in the letters’ closed, she must have had the same
problem with that as I faced! Julie’s vibes were in the air too I guess…
Can you imagine I hardly dare to start a new page?!
Who’s vibes will accompany me this time?
There might even someone stand up right now and say:
‘Hey, I made a page about chess last week! You copy-cat!’
I better clean the house.
Do the laundry.
Work in the garden.
Any cleaning vibes in the air, maybe?
Hope to see you next week.
Your little to-do list is a poem (and yes, I have been doing quite a bit of cleaning this week). I have been enjoying your haiku and found a book about haiku last week at the used book store where I work. I have been noticing that the single idea concept is much more important to the poets than religiously following the syllable count – this week’s haiku might be my favorite. How cool that you carved your own alphabet stamps – I happened to come across a little alphaset for a dollar quite a while ago – it’s very primitive but I love it – definitely my go-to alphas. I always enjoy visiting your blog! Have a great weekend!
Stuur mij maar rustig alle vibes die je ontvangt door! Ik kan ze goed gebruiken…ja, jammergenoeg ook de huishoud-vibes ๐
Lieve groetjes – Irma
Poehee, jij bent druk geweest. Mooie pagina’s en de stempeltjes zijn geweldig. Wat een werk! De haiku vind ik erg mooi. fijn weekend!
You haiku is grand! I do like “Muse, born with a pen…” The post is very good! I enjoyed my visit here! Thank you!
I can see why you were feeling weird vibes… I loveeeeeeeeee the newest pages… and I love the one with the words that you stood out!! AMAZING as always! :):):):):):):):):):):)
I love every bit of this post. You so openly share your thoughts and it makes you closer to us all. I chuckled as I thought of these last lines as another Haiku. You wrote:
I better clean the house.
Do the laundry.
Work in the garden.
REal life Haiku, I call it, came from the muse in real time. Using the pen subconsciously perhaps. I love it!
Fun post! I loved each and every piece (including the links that I had to check out, too). Fun Haikus .. including the cleaning !!!!!
I agree with Spadoman!! Love the “better clean the house..”!! I hate housework for the sake of it, but do it anyway! Having pets means I am always hoovering up pet hair!
Love the pages – especially the summercamp prompt. There is definitely something that’s connecting us all lately!
Have a great weekend! xoxoxo
Ja, lijkt me inderdaad raar om te zien dat, zonder dat je het wist, anderen op ongeveer dezelfde tijd met de zelfde dingen bezig zijn dan jij…
Je haiku is meesterlijk en je stempeltjes zien er helemaal te gek uit!! Wat een werk zeg, al die lettertjes gutsen!!
Wanneer zien we ze in je werk terug??
I love how we all ‘hang in together’, I have a passion for text too, I used to play around with software Corel Draw text and loved to fill in the bits of the letter that you couldn’t get to drop out of your eraser stamps. I thought they looked very funky, seems like I’m in good company.
Sue x
Cleaning vibes…haha
not so much
but connections and inspiration…you are full of those dear one…always!!!
just so happens I adore found poetry or altered text as it is also called
when I first tried the technique a while back I liked using the book Simple Abundance (seems every yard sale has one) … the words that flowed there were always amazing
Have you heard of Tom Philips THE HUMUMENT…it is a fantastic book!
you always inspire me and continue to delight me too…you have a way sweet Marit!
happy August weekend to you and yours!
Love how you tumble
on your hand carved Alphabet!!!
I am very impressed with that too!
As you know I had some strange and even kind of icky vibes this week but I am glad to say that they have moved on as of today ! You are so productive, Ms Marit !!!
Now, I am absolutely in love with your found word poetry ! That Haiku is amazing and I love how the words must have just popped out at you to be used. So cool.And the page with the poem highlighted is perfect to me. I must try this.
Sending you big love and all the cleaning vibes I find !;-)
Oh, oh, oh! Wonderful! Wunderbar! (And whatever the appropriate word is in Dutch!)
lively post today marit!
you found word haiku,
i have seen whole poems formed this way by crossing out all the unused words. i love this idea. similar to finding images in clouds…
so glad you are here!
I love your post. You tell such a wonderful story. Strange vibes indeed. Similar muses, I say.
I love all of these discovered and uncovered haikus in the midst of your creative flow and sensitivity to the vibrations of others. And yes the last one, so sensible and quotidian but so lovely and down to earth. The whole post is charming! Love the muse with the pen!
Hi Marit. I’m here to tell ya, there are never cleaning vibes in the air.. =)
what wonderful creations. and the fun haiku with the book titles and page. very cool.
Hope you are doing well and no more strange vibes… =)
I had the ‘vibes’ also this week. I made a journal page with a hand drawn bird, and when I went blog hopping this week, I found that one of my favorite people had made something eerily similar. Maybe that’s a good thing, because great minds DO think alike!
Great post!!!
I just discovered you… what a fabulous place! iโm addicted ๐
seems like you have been so busy, i absolutely looove your creations;
i love how you work with different materials and the outcome is a success everytime.
(you are right Marit, my name is Dutch, but… i am French. i married a crazy dutch man…:) ๐
will be back soon for more xo sandra
love it all but the best that i enjoyed ladies finding power… pantyhose and heels.. yeah!!!
I love it, Marit! Words carry amazing messages when we allow them to! And I’m thinking about being the chess player and not the chess piece: it’s so empowering not to crumble when someone makes a cryptic remark…
wat een prachtige verschijving, peace out ipv piece out! ๐ yo!
Ik heb zo’n 14 jaar geleden wel een ecoline-tekening van m’n toenmalige slaapkamer gemaakt met… een zwart-wit geblokte vloer ๐ Maar niet deze week ๐
Leuk gespeeld met die woorden op de boekenpagina en de boekentitels!
Wat een geweldige post weer, Marit!
Super, die zelfgemaakte alfabetstempels!!
En mocht je ‘schoonmaak vibes’ tegenkomen, stuur er dan een paar deze kant op. Ik kan ze heel goed gebruiken ๐
Fijne week!
I love your Haiku, although it isn’t a haiku in Dutch is is still a beautiful little poem. I also love how the titles of the book underneath the woman figure make up a poem. Very original and love the chess piece as well. you are a great artist
Yes, I was cleaning my Texas house this weekend while waiting for the lady from the moving company. Otherwise, no creative connections with you this time. ๐ I had left all of my journals at the Missouri house.