In my Friday post, I told you about the stamps I bought.
Although I don’t stamp very often, I do like to buy them
and little by little, my amount of stamps grew from ‘a few’ to ‘a lot’.
Among them, there are quite some ‘clear’ and unmounted stamps
and it became time to store them properly. But how?
I asked around and looked for store solutions,
but nothing seemed very fitting to me.
In DVD-boxes?
Those are too small, and I don’t have room to store a whole row of boxes.
Special boxes to store stamps?
They look like DVD-boxes – same problem.
BUT… when I saw some store systems, an idea came to mind.
Using those knowledge, I made my own system,
and it works very well! YEAY!!!
So here it is. My own stamp-store-system…
(You can click on the images to enlarge, for a better view.)
I bought two large binders.
Using cardboard and duct tape, I made ‘folding sides’
An elastic band keeps the binder neatly together.
The bottom and the side are protected by the cardboard sides.
When the clear stamps don’t stick too well and come off,
they will be kept from falling out of the binder.
The side folds over the bottom.
To look at my stamps, I spread out the side…
Then I spread out the bottom… and tadaaa!
… now I can flip through my stamps!
On the left, the stamped images in a plastic pocket.
On the right, the stamps sticking to a thick transparency.
Last Sunday, I went to the scrapbook store in Heesch to shop
and meet Jenneke, Jeanet and Petra! It was such a great day!
We talked, we laughed and we did some major shopping.
I hadn’t met Jeanet before, and it was really cool to finally meet her!
Thanks girls for a wonderful day!!
We only thought about taking a few pictures after Petra was gone
(she left earlier) and I’m sorry I didn’t think about it before…
Next time, you will be in the picture too Petra!
Jeanet, me and Jenneke. Photo taken with Jenneke’s cell phone.
Last week, I took notes of the things that I wanted to memorize on
my ‘chronicles’ page of the week.
Because I knew I was going to shop on Sunday, I didn’t start working
on the page until yesterday, and combined my notes with new goodies.
Week 7
I wrote some very personal and private journaling on the page.
After that, I covered it with gesso and mist. (You can still see
some text shimmering on the right, under the note card.)
I just had to jot it down and now it is there, and I know what it says…
(I will spend a post on this subject soon!)
New ‘goodies’ on this page:
- Bright and colourful paper, pieces used for the border.
- Tattered Angels glimmer mist – ‘harvest orange’
- Journaling (lines) stamps – and yes Jeanet, I wrote ‘straight’!!!
(*teehee* when Jeanet saw me putting these stamps into my chart,
she cried out ‘Oh no Marit, are you going to write in straight lines?’ - Coloured pearl pen (the blue circles and dots)
- Kraft journaling card
- Teeny alphabet stickers (name of the Month)
- The fat lady on the bicycle is one of my new stamps from
This is becoming a long post… are you still with me?
Then let me show you the project I’m working on right now.
This is a book I bought a few years ago. It holds blank recipe cards but I
didn’t buy it to take cooking notes… I’m planning something more fun!
(Sorry to all the ladies who like baking and cooking… I’m a lousy cook
and I don’t like cooking either… so yes, I can think of something more fun
to do with a book like this. In fact, EVERYTHING is more fun then recipes!)
First, I have to fill up the hole that is in the cover (it’s in the shape
of a spoon, you can still see it.) It needs yet another layer of gesso!
And this is how the pages look.
I’ve only just begun with altering this book, I will have to cover up
the tab-pages (they show pics of food now) and the recipe card-pages
inside, but I’m not there yet.
I hope to tell ánd show you what this is all about next time.
Enjoy your week and see you on Friday!
Oh, I’ve had that recipe book in my hands many times! Maybe your plan with it can convince me I need it ;-).
I think like your stamp storing solution! Did you cling your stamps to a piece of plastic? Or are they on another page protector? I can’t see :-s.
My clear stamps are all in a drawer… I too like to buy them… and don’t use them enough!
Wowwwwwwwwwww! Loveeeeeeee how you are storing your stamps now…and that journal page is AMAZING!!!! Loveeeeeeee the colors!! And SOMEDAY I know I will be in a pic with all of you too!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I couldn’t find my stamps if I had to.
What a clever way to organize your stamps! I’ve got mine in a binder, but adding the sides is pure genius! Looks like you had a super time with the girls – thanks so much for sharing your day and that great journal page with the new goodies. Marit, you know that you’re an artist when you use your oven for polymer clay and your implements for art tools!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
That is a really neat storage idea! Thanks for sharing!
Love your storage idea. I keep some of my clear stamps in binders too. Love how you added the sides. I don’t have that but it would be handy! Thanks for sharing.
i love how you decided to store your stamps! mine are all in ziplocks and other containers within a large ikea storage box… in other words they are a mess!
great journal page too!
Your chronicles page is beautiful – so full of color!
What a cool storage idea. Love how you made the binders work for you! Can’t wait to see what you do with that recipe book…
LOTS of great stuff here!! 🙂 Have a great week. I love your storage system.
Looks like you are getting back into the swing of things. Doesn’t being with friends help a lot ? How lucky we are to have our women friends !
Love the pages. I like to hide my personal stuff under layers too. I know it is there and it is no longer being carried around inside…
Here’s to spilling ourselves out in our art ! Hugs !
So many wonderful things!! First, your page is SWEET! And, your visit and shopping was AWESOME!! I can’t wait to see what you do with your book!!
I can’t wait to see what you’re turning the recipe book into!
Ziet er goed uit meis, die stempelordners!! (en ik zie ook heeele mooie nieuwe stempels!!)
Ik ben ook weg van de knalblauwe puffy paint/pearl pen en dat receptenboekje heb ik weleens gezien bij je, ben heel benieuwd wat je ermee gaat doen!!
Hi Marit..
Love your art journal page, the colors really caught my eye. Stamps are so hard to organize. you found a great system. I have some in binders and some hanging on a clip it up. I find they need to be easily accessible so I will use them more.
Great pic with your friends. Hope you are having a great week.
Happy Wednesday. =)
Love that you met friends at the shop and had so much fun!! Great photo of you guys Marit! I love looking at your chronicles spreads – and the fat lady cyclist is a brilliant stamp!! Teehee!
Prachtige, kleurrijke pagina Marit!
Zoveel te zien (en te lezen 😉
Volgende keer blijf ik natuurlijk tot ná de foto´s… 🙂
Hi Marit! Love your journal page and seeing how you organize your stamps! I saw a very lovely mermaid stamp as well as alot of other gorgeous ones! Where do you get most of your stamps? I am just waiting for a new order from Viva Las Vegas, I couldn’t help myself!! haha
Your system looks great–most of my stamps are on wood blocks, but at least they’re in cases, and work on a bookshelf. Still, they take up so much more room than your system!
GREAT pages!!!!
very clever indeed. recently I’ve forbidden myself to buy new stamps ’cause I hardly ever use any. but…often they’re so beautiful that I can feel my resolution might go down the drain any day now.
and there is one more thing – I don’t find cooking fun AT ALL. so relieved to find a kindred spirit! 😉
Zo heb ik ook ongeveer mijn stempels opgeborgen maar dan in plastic mapjes met klittenband van de Hema. Heel handig om zo door je stempels te kunnen bladeren 🙂
Waar heb je dat receptenboekje gekocht? Ik ben echt op zoek naar zoiets om al mijn recepten te ordenen. Ik kan nergens iets vinden en dit lijkt me super!
Je art journal pagina is zoals vanouds weer te gek, mooie kleuren en leuk dat (volkswagen?) busje.
Groetjes Viv
Mooi opbergsysteem! Handig en overzichtelijk. Ik zag ook hele leuke stempels er tussen zitten. Je artjournal is weer top. Mooie frisse kleuren met Leuk busje en grappige stempel! Leuke foto uit Heesch, was vast heel gezellig.
Een erg gave pagina deze week! Ik ben benieuwd hoe dat receptenboekje eruit komt te zien!
thanks for sharing how you store your stamps – I only have a few stamps but depending on their format, I store them either in a 3-ring binder(the flat ones) or (the ones on a wood block) in a plastic box with my few inks. I have to admit that I am very envious that you have met Jeanet and Jenneke – I have worked with them at TAAFOMFT so long that I so want to meet them but alas, finances do not allow that – I am just so happy that I can connect with all of you in the Netherlands via blogs!
Wow Marit, wat een gaaf stempelopbergsysteem…
En zo leuk om je nu eindelijk eens te ontmoeten!!
Heerlijk shoppen en kletsen, de volgende keer wel een hele dag ervan maken!! En dan Lena ook gezellig mee!!
Je art page is geweldig!! Erg mooi al die details!!