Days fly by, Summer is over and this first September week started with various weather… a strange combination of beautiful, rather warm hours followed by gray skies and a lot of rain, sometimes on the same day. Yesterday I planned to take the bus to my parents house for my ‘date with dad.’ (I didn’t dare to go on my bike – a 40 minutes bike-ride – because rain was predicted.) Around 10 am the rain came pouring down and my dad called me to say he would come pick me up with the car. We drank coffee first, then set up the easels and unpacked our ‘stuff’ in the barn and by the time we were ready to start painting, the sky was blue and sunshine came in through the big doors. Yay!
We had a lot of fun, and will repeat the paint session in a few weeks as we both are far from finished. Here’s an impression of how I spend my afternoon (it’s not a good photo as the light came in where I stood and it gets darker when you go deeper into the barn… rather difficult to take a photo.)
This painting may not be finished but I do have some finished art journal pages to show you. These Chronicles spreads are from last Summer an it feels like ages ago… well, it almost is ’cause can you believe we are in week 36 already?
The Chronicles of Marit 2015 – Week 29
The Chronicles of Marit 2015 – Week 31
(Week 30 is out for publication so I can’t show you that one yet)
The Chronicles of Marit 2015 – Week 32
There is more that I didn’t show you yet but I’ll leave it with these pages, I don’t want to overfeed you 😉
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Be wild,
be free,
be creative,
set up an easel and paint a picture.
See you next week.
Oh, how very very lovely to know you had this artist date with your dad! Really touches me! And your art work is off to beautiful starts!!!
My dad had been gone since I was thirty, 20 years ago this year, and we had a kind of bumpy relationship. I think art would have been the one thing that could have bridged our gaps!
Sending big love and admiration across the waves to you, Soul Suster
Oh, I love that you did art with your Dad!!! Such quality time!!! You have such an artistic family!!!