Today seven years ago, on his ánd my parents wedding anniversary,
my only brother emigrated with his family to Canada.
I had not seen him since until…
(you can click on each photo to enlarge)
My brother and me, my sil in the background
I have only one sibling. He is my ‘little brother’ and I picked him up
from the airport yesterday. As you can see, he isn’t that ‘little’ 🙂
It was such a joy to see each other again!
My parents had not seen their son for seven years either.
It was an emotional and such a happy reunion.
When the emotions settled down, we talked and laughed a lot…
dad, sil, bro and mum
…and acted silly…
Yvonne, me and Ricky ..
and loving…
I didn’t kiss my bro much when we were young.
Things change as we get older…
My sister in law creates jewelry and when I received this present
from her I didn’t know what to say. It is breathtaking!
Thank you Yvonne!
I wanted to honor it ánd Yvonne by making a haiku about it.
alle kleuren blauw
zorgvuldig bijeen gezocht exclusief voor mij |
Many shades of blue
conscientiously selected especially for me |
(This haiku is linked to Haiku my Heart Friday )
I had presents for them too, as in a few weeks it is both my brother
as well as my sil’s birthday. Here’s the folder I made for Yvonne
Folded open
I once made a mini album for my dad and it was perfect for my brother too, so I decided to make a similar book for him, just change some little things that are more fitting for him. The journaling contains sentences we used as a family and on top of that it is written in dialect (“Zeeuws”). It’s not possible to translate and even Dutchies won’t understand a thing! (Maybe some understand the sentences, but if you don’t know the story behind it, everything sounds absurd!)
When you are a careful reader you remember the first sentence of this blogpost.
So here, at the end of the post, I want to cheer before I dive into my weekend:
and… (Yes – I remembered ;))
I hope you all have a great weekend.
With or without ‘official reasons’… turn it into a party!
how wonderful! family, family, family!!!
and that necklace, yowza! gorgeous!!!
lovely artwork as usual too!
have a great weekend catching up with your bro!
: .)
wonderful post! xoxo
Love all of this post, especially the joy of being reunited with your brother! I know they loved their gifts from you and that necklace looks amazing! Have a great weekend Marit! XOXOXO
YOU are the sweetest most special friend I have met in this huge blog land!!! We may never meet, but I feel as if I actually know you! And you always remember me.
I am thrilled for you having a reunion with your brother!! You all look so happy, I love the pictures of you!! You don’t take them often enough!!
Your parents, 50 years!! I am hoping to get there some day, but for now I am happy with 21!
Everyone must love your gifts. You are so talented. Everything you do is with love!!
Thank you my friend!! I see that you can’t write me a long letter now, with your visiting, but I hope to get one when you can!! I miss you!!
Much Love!!
Such wonderful times reunions are…getting reaquainted, telling family stories, basking in the warmth…and then the anniversaries – WoW! Wonderful memories you’ll remember forever and beyond!
just wanted you to know that I had to share your link and make an anniversary post!!
Happy celebrations this weekend…you have plenty to be party-ing about, and the perfect necklace to adorn yourself. ♥♥♥
How exciting to see your brother!! I loveeeeeee the necklace she made you and the book that you made for her!! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to your parents and brother and SIL!!!!!!
Jeetje, 7 jaar is een hele lange tijd. Wat moet het fijn zijn om elkaar dan weer te zien! Geniet ervan! En natuurlijk, wat een prachtig journal heb je gemaakt!
Hosternokke, wat een blije foto’s zeg!! Ze zijn in mijn ogen nog geen spat veranderd. Fijn om na zeven jaar weer even allemaal samen te zijn.
Wat een prachtige cadeautjes gingen over en weer! Die ketting is echt een kunstwerk!! Heeeel mooi en knap gemaakt!!
Jou map en boekje zien er ook weer perfect uit, ze waren er vast heel blij mee!
Wat een geweldig album heb je gemaakt!!! Fijn weekend.
Wat een heerlijke foto’s… familie, prachtige cadeau’s. Dat geeft toch een goed gevoel 🙂
dear marit,
your post today is book cased in LOVE! so much joy here in the giving and receiving. thank you for allowing us all in the window of your heart. you have a beautiful family..and i cannot help thinking about the deepest joy of parents having both their children in their arms once more!
How wonderful to be reunited with your bro !!!! You can just tell from the photos how happy you all are to be together. Enjoy every second !
congrats all around – the anniversaries, the reunions, the gifts….that necklace is too beautiful….
Celebrations forever
Memories forever held.
What a joyful and love filled post Marit!
xo hugs Jill
Wat een leuke blogpost! Geniet van de tijd met je broer en gefeliciteerd met je vader en moeders trouwdag! Fijn Weekend!
Wat weer een heerlijke post voor Haiku My Heart Marit. Altijd weer een genoegen om je weblog te bezoeken.
Thank you Marit for this wonderful post.
Zo heerlijk om mee te kunnen genieten van je ontmoeting na zo’n lange tijd met je broer!
En wat prachtig, dat boekje met zeeuwse ‘proat’ dat je voor hem hebt gemaakt!