Goodafternoon … WEDNESDAY!
I know, I know.. you probably were wondering where the Tuesday post went…
Sorry, no time yesterday. I had a lot on my mind. Nice things though (see post
on top of my blog and my website)
But here I am, to show you the latest art journal pages
(yep, I also was creative in between… I had sort of an energy rush, YAY!)
A Year in the Life of an Art Journal came with the new prompt last Sunday
THE SONG: FUCK YOU by Cee Lo Green
Flipping through a magazine, I came across this painting by the artist
Hundertwasser. (His work is so inspirational for art journalers! If you don’t
know this painter, google him!!!) My fingers began to itch.
The page is also inspired by Kim Mailhot, who makes marvelous paintings
and often uses dictionary paper as a canvas. I painted a similar head on an
old dictionary page. I cut out the drawing and glued it onto my page.
The photo of the ‘fuck you’ lady is from a magazine.
And do you remember a few years back, images of owls were really ‘hot’
among scrappers?! I had this piece of paper left (don’t know the branch…)
and cut a few out. Doodling and handwriting is done with markers and a white
sharpie. The dots are made with a pearl pen (‘puffy paint’ kinda stuff)
The title (‘Look at me now’) threw me right back in time… it made me think
of the time when I was in art school and struggling to find my own style and
place in this world… I will not elaborate further but someone really made
this comment to me back then and, as you probably know, nasty comments
last the longest. It hit me really hard then but it seems I proved the person
was wrong and with much more confidence I can say: I found my way & destiny now!
I was all ‘into art’ last week, ’cause look at my Chronicles page…
The Chronicles of Marit – week 19
The main part of my page is taken by an image that I cut out of a magazine.
It was made in 1991 by Wieslaw Walkuwski (a Polish artist) for a poster.
I have much more to show and to tell you, but after a busy day – writing and
sending of newsletters and updating the website I don’t feel like writing
anymore. I will safe it for the next blogpost then.
One thing I must tell you though: Sandra ordered sharpies for me (long story…)
and they arrived yesterday! OHMY… I’m OVER THE MOON!
(They don’t sell ‘Sharpies’ in the Netherlands…)
Thanks so much Sandra, for ordering them for me and forwarding the package
to my address! That’s so sweet!!! Have fun with yours dear!
And now I’m off.
I’m dying for a cup of tea… see you soon!
Ja, ik had al een paar keer gekeken of je nieuwe post al on-line was… Snap nu waarom je laat was…!!
Fantastisch dat het nu écht gaat gebeuren meis!! Ik hoop dat heeeel veel mensen mee willen/kunnen doen!!
Je werk van deze week ziet er weer helemaal te gek uit! Ik ben wég van je chronicles page!! Ge-wel-dig!!!!
Ooo, die uiltjes zo zo schattig! Naar het werk van Hundertwasser kun je heeeeel erg lang kijken, en deze doet er niet voor onder, betrap mezelf erop dat ik iedere keer terug naar boven scroll om nog een keertje te kijken! Heb ik zowiezo toch heel snel bij je werk! Sorry van de radiostilte, was mijn mojo kwijt…
Marit! I love that top pg. so much!…lol…she is awesome! Well, you have found your way, you are a wonderful beautiful and inspiring artist so that pg. says it all!
The Chronicles of Marit…well, what can I say…amazing!
wonderful pages, my artist AND teacher friend!! i love the look at me now page!! i’m so glad you proved them wrong and realize it. you go!!
that first one is magnificent, a lot busier than your usual style too. and you won’t believe it, but just this week i drew a face and it was very similar!
Het ziet er weer geweldig uit, Marit!
Ik kan me voorstellen dat je na zo’n drukke dag geen zin meer hebt om nog langer achter je pc te zitten!
Hoop dat je een fijne avond gehad hebt!
Lovely work Marit!!
I got your newsletter today. You are going to have a great time on this retreat! Lucky ladies!!
Zelfs zonder Sharpies lukt het jou om geweldige pagina’s te maken! (Ik vind die van je chronicles echt helemaal te gek!) Uiteraard, nogmaals veel plezier ervan en ik ben erg benieuwd naar je creaties met deze geweldige pennen!
gaaf werk weer meid! veel plezier met je sharpies!!
These are awesome!! I loveeeeeeeeeee the owls on that first one!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ooh…I love that graphic page with all those cute owls! Such a whimsical page! 🙂
P/s: Sharpies make me so happy too!!!! 🙂
You are a smart ass you know!! I was cracking up with the “you are very popular and wise for your age”!!!
Your creativity is never ending and I so enjoy that Marit…always some eye candy and things to make me think when I come to visit…you’re the best
I have missed you and your creativity!
Happy almost weekend to you and yours