Hi there friends! How was your weekend? Mine was cold, stormy and rainy
(Outside that is. Inside the house I made it comfortable and put all kinds of
stuff on the big table… paint, glue, brushes – you get the idea. The result is
at the end of this post.) It feels like Summer is coming to an end while I didn’t
even see the sun… we experienced only a few sunny days – just to remind me
how it feels to wear a skirt – and then temperatures dropped again.
With August on the calendar, and light getting shorter in the evenings, it sure
feels like fall now! I decided to turn the ‘bad’ into ‘good’ and made plans for the
upcoming season then!
For me, some great things are in the pipeline – including teaching a long,
luxurious live workshop-weekend in November – and then there’s also
something fantastic bubbling and growing, which I can’t say anything about
yet… but it’s starting to come together and getting real!
Eeeckk… I hope to reveal it soon!
All in all, I had no time to also create a new online workshop for this Fall,
so I decided to offer two existing (and popular) online workshops again.
The online workshops that will start in September are:
Let it Loose (September 12 – October 20; 2011)
This workshop will loosen you up and take you
a step further in creating your own, unique art
journal pages. You’ll learn some basic writing
techniques to improve your journaling and you
will get tips and techniques to use your own
handwriting (You dislike your own handwriting?
You might be surprised what you can do with it!)
Furthermore, you will learn art techniques like
working with collages, paint, colours, gesso and
gel medium.
A Creative Art Journey (September 13 – October 21; 2011)
If you love art journaling and are eager to learn some
art history along the way, this is the workshop for you!
In 12 lessons you will be introduced to 12 different art
periods in time. Each lesson concentrates on a specific
art period, handling the characteristics and showing
the artists and highlights. Every lesson comes with
multiple prompts – inspired by the specific period/art –
from which you can choose which one suites you best.
You will learn about Ancient art, Renaissance,
Impressionism, Cubism and others.
And then there are still some places available for live Workshop by the sea
November 4 to 7, 2011 (National / Dutch)
November 11 to 14, 2011 (International / Bilingual:
This weekend will take place on the inspiring peninsula
of Walcheren (Province of Zeeland) in the Netherlands.
Besides binding your own book/art journal, working
with different techniques to create backgrounds and
a haiku workshop (provided by the writer/poet
Johanna Kruit), I will also teach you how to create
an ingeniously folded booklet.
Last weekend, I made such a folded booklet to use as an example in the
workshop. Here’s a sneak peek.
All information about the workshops on the website: Marit’s Paper World
Registration for the online workshops is possible in the shop.
If you are interested in the live workshop, then let me know
and I will e-mail you with further information about registration.
I’m sure you can guess what more I created last weekend!
Yep, right
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – Week 31
(30 x 21 cm - 11.8 x 8.3 inch)
The background is gessoed. After that, I added acrylic paint and spray ink.
The ‘bubbles’ are made with paint and a sequin waste (template). The photo
is a cut-out from a magazine. Tiny alphabet stickers (October Afternoon)
used for ‘week’ and ‘month’ and journaling/doodling with sharpies.
I’ll be back on Friday with another art journal page.
Maybe even two 😉
Tja, ik heb nu “zomer”vakantie maar ‘t voelt idd meer als herfst…
Je “groene” bladzijde is weer prachtig!! Dat schrijven tussen lijntjes ziet er altijd zo mooi uit!! Moet ik ook weer eens toepassen!
And what a great opportunity for those who’ve missed your workshops… I can highly recommend to join these classes, I’ve done both and they are soooooo great!!!
Brrr, vandaag is het helemaal prut met peren hier! Ik merk bij mezelf, dat ik weer zin in haken en breien krijg…een zeker teken, dat de herfst voor de deur staat! 😉
Lieve groetjes – Irma
Hm…dat ‘booklet’ ziet er kunstig uit. Dat belooft een leuke workshop te worden!
Enne..ik ben het ook zat hoor, dat de zomer zo grijs en saai is. Nu maar hopen op een mooi najaar, zodat ook ik weer eens wat meer ga bewegen en wat minder eten…;-)
Vandaag regent het, maar het weekend was geweldig op Vlie! Veel zon, veel wind en veel witte wolken. Heb uren in een duinpan gelegen!
Succes met alle workshops!
Sounds like you are being kept busy 🙂 Love the sneak peak and your journal page they both look gorgeous .
Your classes always look AMAZING!! And loving the new page!! LOVE all that green!! And soooooooooo can’t wait to hear your big news! :):):):):):):):):)
Don’t let use wait too long….
I am sorry you didnt have some really nice summer weather this year. Ours has been so beautiful and I am holding on to it with my fingernails even as I notice the light changing and hear about kids preparing to return to school…It looks as though the Fall will have some great treasure for you to enjoy. Yay for that !
Love the green peek-a-boo page !
Happy Tuesday !
Oh I hope you get some nice weeather before summer ends. Love the green on your page! Can’t wait to hear your news!!!! 🙂
Leuk: ‘keet te veel en beweeg te weinig”, hihi…. Laat ik nou last hebben van dezelfde ‘kwaal’, lol
Jij bent in ieder geval nog creatief geweest, dat is mij zelfs niet gelukt 🙁
En oh, wat ben ik benieuwd naar ‘het’!!!
Love the page! Just wish I knew what it said~LOL! ALways a joy to see your art!
I so wish that I could come to your workshop by the sea. Someday! I am a pretty determined person. I like the color of your week 31 art journal page. I can’t wait for all my things to get moved here from Texas. I feel lost. Then I can break out the gesso!
I LOVE that folded book! Would that I could take another class… maybe later. I bought the Cover to Cover book too and I hope to be making some of the amazing books shown in there. Your Chronicles spread is outstanding – I love those colours. Now I want to know what happened last week because of the picture!!!! See you Friday! xo
You have so much energy and do so much to share your passion for artwork and creating!
It’s a beautiful thing…your pages for Week 31 are super too…I can almost see you squealing when you found that image in the magazine.
Wish I could send you some heat…I don’t feel fall at all…stay warm and dry my friend
Looks like wonderful things are happening for you!!
I love your new page! You always do such wonderful work!