I love poetry. I am especially fond of 'found poetry', and I mean found in all its forms... found in book titles, found in magazines, on book pages, cut out words and sentences - you name it. There is so much possible when it comes to 'found poetry'... and this kind of poetry is also great to use … [Read more...]
My Creative Process
Hello Friday, Hello Friends - let me start with a warning.. this blogpost contains an OVERLOAD on PICTURES and it even starts with a VIDEO. Are you in for all that? Then welcome, come on in! To begin with … [Read more...]
More pictures, less words
Hello Friday, Hello Friends! I have a sore and thick left hand (some inflammation maybe?) and typing is not good for it - but I do have a lot of art to show... so this post will contain more pictures and less words then. Starting with... another Book title Haiku! En toen … [Read more...]
... having fun with my collection of books! Book title Haiku #5 for Haiku my Heart Friday Het geheim van Oss Lady Chatterley's minnaar De pianoman The secret of Oss Lady Chatterly's lover The pianoman ("Oss" is a village in the Netherlands...) Some of you asked … [Read more...]
Become an Island
Don't you just love that sentence? Do you ever want to 'become an island'? I do! Here's my haiku for today. Again: books from my collection. I realize I open up and expose myself quite a lot by showing you my books - I "showcase some of the building blocks that have crafted my … [Read more...]
& Mixed Emotions
It's Friday, it's time for another haiku! Rebecca, who usually hosts the 'Haiku my Heart Friday' circle, wasn't there to post last week and I don't know if she will come up with a haiku-post and list of participants this week either. But even if she don't; I make it into MY haiku-Friday … [Read more...]