This is (the legs of) my beloved, walking around with a handmade tote bag. And yes, I made the tote bag for "Creative Team Thursday," using Jessica Sporn Design stencils. Wanna see how I did it? I wrote a tutorial! Come on over to Jessica's blog and read all about it in my blogpost overthere. … [Read more...]
How to fold an Origami box
It is "Creative Team Thursday" over at Jessica Sporn's blog again and it is my turn to post. I show you how to fold an origami box with a lid. It's an easy peasy little project and wouldn't it be nice to fold a small box and put your chocolate Easter eggs in? Come on over to Jessica's blog … [Read more...]
Longing For The Good Ol’ Times
It is Creative Team Thursday over at Jessica Sporn's blog, and today it is my turn to inspire you. I show you only this small detail photo of the art journal spread I made here on my blog 'cause I want you all to hop over to Jessica Sporn's blog to view my finished spread and - even better - … [Read more...]
How To Use a Gelli Plate to Create an Art Journal Spread
Today it is my turn to show you a project on Jessica Sporn's blog using her stencils and stamps. Many of my readers and followers ask me how I build up an art journal page and today is your lucky day: I filmed the whole process for Creative Team Thursday. So hop on over to Jessica Sporn's blog … [Read more...]
Hello, hellooooo sweeties - can you tell I'm excited :) Yep, I am! Because today I can announce something that I have been holding under my wings for weeks... you might wanna read on as I will reveil the news in this post and there's a GIVE-AWAY involved! But first - a photo of my workdesk. … [Read more...]