Here's the results of another 'drawing week'. Last week, it was my turn to choose the prompts. "Industrial images/landscapes" it was, because I have difficulties drawing dimensions and proportions so I thought this theme would be good for practising just that... and it was! here are the … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 18th week
As a child, Nout had a fascination for the universe, encouraged by his "opa" (grandfather) who has a telescope and knows a lot about stars. I had an idea this theme would come up one day and I was right... last week Nout presented me the prompt for our drawings: "Starry skies, space, universe". When … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 16th week (with extra drawings!)
My son Nout and his beloved Guus spend a few days in a holiday house in a national park last week. The house stood nearby a big farm where they had all kinds of animals (and a lot of newborns as well... it's that time of year) so he came up with the theme "draw farm-animals". He made a lot of … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 15th week
Last week we postponed our drawings, but here they are! My son and I both made three drawings. (My drawings are on the left, Nout’s on the right – click to enlarge) Draw (your) keys Draw (something with) buttons Draw matches Thanks for stopping by today, please leave … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – drawings from the past
Last week, my son and I didn't manage to get three drawings done. We were both occupied with work, health and other things... but since you probably came over to see some drawings and you're here anyway, I did find an 'alternative' for our usual drawings... look at this! Here's a drawing I made … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 13th week
Another 'drawing week', my son and I both made three drawings . (My drawings are on the left, Nout’s on the right – click to enlarge) Draw the/a sky Draw something "Giro-related" (Giro d'Italia, a.k.a. "Giro", is an annual multiple-stage bicycle race primarily held in … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 12th week
Another 'drawing week', my son and I both made three drawings . (My drawings are on the left, Nout’s on the right – click to enlarge) Draw an insect Draw your hand Draw a book/books Thanks for stopping by today, please leave us a comment, we'd like that! … [Read more...]