Namen als spreuken: Laevicardium crassum, Cerastoderma. Names like magic spells: Laevicardium crassum, Cerastoderma. Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg Je t'embrasse … [Read more...]
Friday haiku: look for shells
Tussen de schelpen; gebroken, kapot getrapt; een gaaf exemplaar. Between all the shells; broken, trampled to pieces; an intact copy. Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg I submit this haiku to Haiku my Heart Je t'embrasse … [Read more...]
Friday haiku: appropriate distance
Friday haiku Zelfs schelpen houden gepaste afstand, of toch ze proberen het... Even shells keep an appropriate distance, they do try anyway Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg I submit this haiku to Haiku my Heart Thanks for stopping by, Je t'embrasse … [Read more...]